Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude Cheats - Xbox

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Downloadable Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Nude mode
Successfully complete the game, then buy the "Everybody Naked!" secret from at the bar for 269 Secret Tokens. The "Nude mode" option can now be toggled in the "Extras" section of the bonus options menu.

Secrets for sale
Go through the large gold doors to "Nice Street" (near the Swingles Van). Go to the far right of the doors and you will see a man in a green mohawk. Talk to him and he will offer to sell you the following extra bonus options.
Bonus Art 2 (miscellaneous loading screens, etc.)
Loading Screen 2 (naughtier loading screens for Zana Luba and Harriet)
Naughty 1 (makes Switch Ione, Analisa, and Elle May wear bikinis instead of their normal attire)
Easy money
Go to the Greek Quad and stand near the frat boy who buys pictures. With your back facing the frat boy, take out your camera and snap pictures of the cheerleaders that are practicing. After taking all the pictures, turn around and sell them to the frat boy. He will charge $6 and will give you $4 for each picture. If you stand too close to the cheerleaders they will react to the flash and you will get less money for the pictures. This can be done repeatedly without penalty.

This trick requires the "Naughty" item and having both Analisa and Luba at the dance club. Enable "Naughty mode" and go to the dance club. Take pictures that frame both Analisa and Luba while they are posing. Each picture if taken properly gives you more than $20. That is more than $120 per set. There are other combinations that will give you large sums of money; just remember to take pictures of as many women as possible in a single frame.

Go to Lefty Too's and play the wet t shirt game. It is easy to win, and you get $10 when you do so.

Easy Confidence
In Larry's room, play "Penis Pong", which will give you 20 Confidence each time you win. It is also the easiest mini-game.

Easier games
Lose a game repeatedly until you get an option saying "Should we make it easier on you?" then select "Yes".

Easy flyer distribution
When they throw an airplane, run towards them with [Left] to grab it beforehand.

Money with pictures
Larry keeps egging you on to find "boobies". Take the hint. Wherever someone is buying them, there is a subject close by. The best money is paid for close-up shots of breasts when she raises her arms above her head or when she is three quarters to full profile, in 90+% of the camera frame. For these, pay is $7 each, or $4 for those not just right. Patience for the correct shot and angle makes this a little time consuming, but you can make over $30 for each roll after the assessment fee, and you can do it as long as desired.

The tenured professor in the Library likes Morgan's boobs, and will pay $7 each. The person in the Greek Quad, once you can get into the Sorority house, likes Bettie Jo's boobs and Zanna's crotch, and will pay $7 each. The person in the Dance Hall likes Luba's boobs and will pay $7 each. The person in Spartacus loves Helmut's crotch and goes up to $8 when he is moving. Once again, the subject being in motion is the key to high pay -- watch for their movement patterns before snapping pictures.

Sweet Lou mini-game
For Sweet Lou, full frame to three quarter profile hips are over $50. Buttocks shots will get about $45 from the commissar. You will need the six shots to make $190 to complete his mini-game. A green light may only pay about $35, so angle is important. Time is ticking away, so just follow her in Camera View; she goes right, then left, then right.

Add-ons for the suit outfit
You can find the add-ons for the suit outfit in the Greek Quad. A college guy will be selling them near the steps of the frat house or sorority.

Super camera lens
Interact with the stage light on the left of the Swingles set. When it falls over and breaks, pick up the camera lens icon. Instead of your camera zooming to 5X, it can now zoom to 10x. You can now take closer and better pictures.

Go to the phone by the house that Barbara Jo is in. You will see a fence that is broken. Go in the back of the fence and go near the girls' house. You will see a hole. Press [A] to see some girls in the shower.

Extra Secret Tokens
Go to an object that only displays the eyeball icon and press [A]. Many times, money or a Secret Token will appear. If a Secret Token appears, quickly press [A] multiple times. You will get an extra two to three Secret Tokens.

Bottomless Zena
Enable the "Nude mode" option after it has been unlocked. Open the black book and select the Swingles Chat with Barbara Jo, Morgan, and Suzi (the last one). Play it two times in a row (win or lose), then select the "Try Again" option. A bottomless Zena will appear during the third time.

Pop culture references
In the sorority house, the names on the doors on the second floor are all grouped by character names from famous television shows or pop culture families.
Janet and LaToya (Jackson Sisters)
Wynonna and Naomi (The Judds).
Thomas, Rick, TC, and Higgins (Magnum PI)
Kelly, Lisa, Jesse, and Screech (Saved by the Bell)
Rose, Dorothy, Sophia, and Blanche (Golden Girls)
Blair, Natalie, Tootie, and Jo (Facts of Life)
Angela, Mona, Samantha, and Jonathan (Who's the Boss?)
Sondra, Denise, Vanessa, Rudy (The Cosby Show)
Sabrina, Jill, Kelly, Stefania, and Andrea (Charlie's Angels)
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