Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb Cheats - Xbox

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God mode
Hold [L] + [R] and press [Up]x2, [Down], [Up], [A], [X], [A], [B], [Up], [Down], [Y], [Start] at the "Press Start" screen. Note: Use the D-Pad. A song will confirm correct code entry. You will become invincible with unlimited ammunition.

Art gallery
Collect all artifacts in the game to unlock an art gallery.
Avoid falling damage
Press [R] as before you hit the ground to enter combat mode. You will not get any damage from falling.

Pistol whip
Press [X] to pistol whip your adversary. Note: This works for all guns, not just the pistols.

Drink from canteen
To drink from the canteen, hold [A]. If you instead tap [A], it will take longer. Holding [A] also helps when you fill your canteen.

Skip all poachers
In the level where you start out in a room enclosed by a vine door, cut the door and walk forward. It should start a short intermission sequence of Indy running towards a little window. Skip through it and when it is over, select the whip and jump. While in the air press [A]. If done correctly, you should now be swinging above a courtyard. Swing to the other side and continue the mission.

Magical barrier
Equip the PaCheng and press [R] to block.

Secret area
On the first level when you first encounter crocodiles, kill all of them with your machete. Then, swim to the left next to the entrance to the temple. Swim behind the waterfall to pull up on a small ledge. You will not be able to see much, there is a box here. Break it open to get a bundle of dynamite.

Break wall in Istanbul Sunken City
When you reach Istanbul Sunken City, to break the damaged wall, hover above the head in the water with the crane. Press [A] and it will automatically break it up.

Glitch: Unlimited grenade capacity
Get two grenades and you will find out that this is all you can normally hold in your pack. However, if you jump into water while holding a third grenade, you will put it in your pack. Repeat this as often as desired for unlimited grenade capacity.

Glitch: Missing hat
Pause game play and look carefully at Indy to notice that his hat is gone. Look at his forehead during game play, then and look back at his forehead.

Glitch: Massive whip
This trick must be done in any level where you can use the whip to go across a gap and have people with guns that are shooting at you. This may take a few attempts. Wait until the enemy starts to shoot at you, then use the whip. If you are lucky, the bullet will hit you just when the whip is at full length. After you get shot, Indy will fly back and the whip will go away. However, if you take the whip back out it will extend from where you are to the hook that it is attached to, no matter how far away it is.

Glitch: Weapon through Indy's head
When low on health, begin drinking from your canteen. Without stopping, switch to the machete. If done correctly, a sword should be go through Indiana's mouth and out his neck. You can also do this with the shotgun and AK-47.

Glitch: Water fountain
Go to the Black Dragon Fortress The Tower Of Storms level. Make your way through the guards to the water fountain near the end of the level. After defeating the two guards, wall sneak on the wall near the fountain and move Indy into it. Notice that Indy's legs will be in the fountain. Note: This does not work on all the water fountains.

Glitch: Glitched area
Enable the "God mode" code and go to Ceylon Gates of the Lost City. At the start of the level jump off the edge and fall. You will land in a glitched area.
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