Burnout Revenge Cheats - Xbox

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Madden van
Have a saved game from Madden NFL 06 on your hard drive.

Dominator Assassin car
Have a saved game from Burnout 3 on your hard drive.

4x4 C165 MID
Win a medal in Smash My Ride in Rank 5 Sunshine Keys.

4x4 C180 Super
Win a medal in Off The Beaten Truck in Rank 1 Lone Peak.

Black Elite Racer
Reach "Elite" rank.

Classic Crasher C170
Win a medal in Cry For Alp in Rank 10 White Mountain.

Compact C180 Lite
Win a medal in Deconstruction Site in Rank 1 Motor City.

Compact C185 Super
Win a medal in Circle Of Strife in Rank 2 Eternal City.

Criterion GT Racer
Complete the White Mountain Challenge sheet. Note When using the Criterion GT Racer, be careful when using boost and turning at the same time. When using boost and turning. It is possible for you to either drift around or you may turn in the opposite direction.

Criterion M-Type DX
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Forwards in Rank 7 Lone Peak.

Criterion M-Type GT
Win a medal in Eliminator: Short Forwards in Rank 9 Central Route.

Criterion M-Type ST
Win a medal in Grand Prix 4 in Rank 4 Motor City.

Criterion R180 ST
Win a medal in Road Rage: Reverse in Rank 4 Angel Valley.

Criterion R195 DX
Win a medal in Grand Prix 7 in Rank 7 Lone Peak.

Criterion R205 GT
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Long Reverse in Rank 9 Eastern Bay.

Custom Classic
Complete the Sunshine Keys Challenge sheet.

Custom M-Type DX
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Lower Link Forwards in Rank 6 Eastern Bay.

Custom M-Type GT
Win a medal in Eliminator: Long Forwards in Rank 8 Eternal City.

Custom M-Type ST
Win a medal in Grand Prix 2 in Rank 2 White Mountain.

Custom R170 ST
Win a medal in Race: Long Forwards in Rank 2 Eternal City.

Custom R185 DX
Win a medal in Eliminator: Lower Link Forwards in Rank 6 Eastern Bay.

Custom R202 GT
Win a medal in Race: Forwards in Rank 8 White Mountain.

EA GT Racer
Complete the Central Route Challenge sheet.

Etnies Racer
Complete the Motor City Challenge sheet.

Euro Classic LM
Complete the Eternal City Challenge sheet.

Factory M-Type DX
Win a medal in Road Rage: Reverse in Rank 5 White Mountain.

Factory M-Type GT
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Short Reverse in Rank 8 Eternal City.

Factory R175 DX
Win a medal in Race: Long Reverse in Rank 5 Eternal City.

Factory R190 GT
Win a medal in Road Rage: Forwards in Rank 8 White Mountain.

Hot Rod
Complete the Lone Peak Challenge sheet.

Limited M-Type DX
Win a medal in Race: Short Reverse in Rank 6 Central Route.

Limited M-Type GT
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Long Reverse in Rank 9 Central Route.

Limited M-Type ST
Win a medal in Grand Prix 3 in Rank 3 Eastern Bay.

Limited R175 ST
Win a medal in Race: Long Reverse in Rank 3 Central Route.

Limited R190 DX
Win a medal in Road Rage: Long Reverse in Rank 6 Eastern Bay.

Limited R205 GT
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Short Reverse in Rank 9 Central Route.

Logitech World Racer
Complete Rank 10 Ultimate Revenge GP.

Low Rider
Complete the Angel Valley Challenge sheet.

Mobile Diner
Win a medal in Street Car Set On Fire in Rank 3 Central Route.

Modified A165 ST
Win a medal in Grand Prix 1 in Rank 1 Motor City.

Modified M-Type DX
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Forwards in Rank 5 White Mountain.

Modified M-Type GT
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Long Reverse in Rank 8 Eternal City.

Modified M-Type ST
Win a medal in Race: Short Reverse in Rank 1 Motor City.

Modified R185 DX
Win a medal in Grand Prix 5 in Rank 5 Eternal City.

Modified R202 GT
Win a medal in Eliminator: Reverse in Rank 8 White Mountain.

Nixon Special
Complete the Eastern Bay Challenge sheet.

Off Road C170 Mid
Win a medal in Tram-A-Tised in Rank 3 Central Route.

Off Road C180 Super
Win a medal in Noodles Of Fun in Rank 6 Central Route.

Prototype M-Series DX
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Reverse in Rank 7 Angel Valley.

Prototype M-Series GT
Win a medal in Road Rage: Long Forwards in Rank 10 Motor City.

Prototype M-Series ST
Win a medal in Eliminator: Long Reverse in Rank 3 Eastern Bay.

Prototype R175 ST
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Long Forwards in Rank 3 Central Route.

Prototype R195 DX
Win a medal in Race: Forwards in Rank 7 Angel Valley.

Prototype R205 GT
Win a medal in Race: Forwards in Rank 10 Lone Peak.

Revenge Racer
Get a 100% game completion.

Saloon C175 Mid
Win a medal in Road To Ruins in Rank 2 Eternal City.

Saloon C180 Super
Win a medal in Silly-Cone Valley in Rank 8 Angel Valley.

Sport C180 Lite
Win a medal in Shao-Lin Tumble in Rank 6 Central Route.

Sports C190 Super
Win a medal in Jump On The Jam in Rank 9 Motor City.

Stock C175 Super
Win a medal in Mount Crushmore in Rank 4 Lone Peak.

Win a medal in Drain Damage in Rank 4 Angel Valley.

SUV C160 Super
Win a medal in Drive-Thru Destruction in Rank 7 Lone Peak.

Tuned M-Type DX
Win a medal in Eliminator: Forwards in Rank 7 Lone Peak.

Tuned M-Type GT
Win a medal in Grand Prix 9 in Rank 9 Eastern Bay.

Tuned M-Type ST
Win a medal in Road Rage: Long Reverse in Rank 4 Motor City.

Tuned R180 ST
Win a medal in Race: Forwards in Rank 4 Lone Peak.

Tuned R195 DX
Win a medal in Race: Reverse in Rank 7 Sunshine Keys.

Tuned R205 GT
Win a medal in Traffic Attack: Forwards in Rank 10 Angel Valley.

Uitility C140 HVY
Win a medal in Mighty Docks in Rank 7 Motor City.

Utility C150 Super
Win a medal in Doughnut Disturb in Rank 5 Lone Peak.

Works M-Type DX
Win a medal in Eliminator: Short Reverse in Rank 6 Central Route.

Works M-Type GT
Win a medal in Road Rage: Short Forwards in Rank 8 Eternal City.

Works M-Type ST
Win a medal in Road Rage: Long Reverse in Rank 2 Eternal City.

Works R170 ST
Win a medal in Race: Long Reverse in Rank 2 Eternal City.

Works R190 DX
Win a medal in Grand Prix 6 in Rank 6 Central Route.

Works R202 GT
Win a medal in Grand Prix 8 in Rank 8 Eternal City.

Alternate title screen
Unlock the Black Elite Racer to have that car featured at the title screen.

Easy Crashbreaker
Press [A] when your Crashbreaker bar is at 99%. You will only have to tap [B] two or three times to get a full Crashbreaker.

Use [Impact Time] on Crash events before the Crashbreaker meter fills. The slower time makes the Crashbreaker easier to bring back up to 100% without having to wildly tap the button.

Reduce crashes around curves
When going around a curve do not release [A]. Press the brake and turn in the desired direction and you will drift around the curve. This will help lessen crashes.

Drifting around corners
When drifting around a corner (mainly hairpins), if your car is oversteering into the inside wall hold [NOS] and it will move away from the wall. If your car is heading for the outside wall, release [Accelerate] and it will move away from the wall.

When you turn a corner, put on the brakes. Once you drift around the corner turn on your nitrous until you get straight on the next road or path.

Glancing off corners
Glance off a corner (not crash into it) while turning or drifting around it. You can hold [Boost] to return to top speed a lot faster than waiting for the car to accelerate itself. This is very useful on "Burning Lap" and "Preview" events where the gold medal is difficult to collect.

Heavy cars
Heavy cars ar best at smashing through traffic, but slower with less Aftertouch responsiveness (but are less affected by wind). They have the most powerful Crashbreakers.

Medium cars
Medium cars are good all-rounders with balanced weight, speed and Crashbreakers that promise decent crash performances.

Light cars
Light cars are quick, agile, and jump well but lack power in impacts and Crashbreakers. Aftertouch skills are tested when jumping in strong winds.

Glitch: White screen
At random, when you restart a Crash event quickly after launching your vehicle, the game may lock at a white screen during the "photo flash" sequence.

In some of the levels, when you jump you will fall down to where it is all white.
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