New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Cheats - Wii

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Downloadable New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Cheats
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Feb. 23, 2010
Unlock Kingdoms
Chili Pepper Kingdom - Obtain all crests on the Lemon, Grape, and Cherry Kingdoms.
Kong of the Mountain - Earn 3 crests on Vs. Ghastly King.
Lychee Kingdom - Obtain all crests on the Apple, Strawberry, and Pineapple Kingdoms.
Pear Kingdom - Obtain all crests on the Banana, Orange, and Watermelon Kingdoms.
Banana Banquet - Earn 3 crests on Kong of the Mountain.
Star Fruit Kingdom - Obtain all crests on the Peach, Melon, and Durian Kingdoms.

Beaten Kings in Ending Ceremony
Unlock and beat VS GHASTLY KING to have Dread Kong, Karate Kong, Ninja Kong and Sumo Kong following you in the background during the Ending Ceremony.

Ninjapes in Ending Ceremony
Collect all 72 crests and beat either VS CACTUS KING or VS GHASTLY KING. During the Ending Ceremony most of the white chimps have now been replaced with Ninjapes.

New Menu Music
Collect all 72 crests and a new song will play when browsing the main menu.

Total Beats
Collect all 72 medals and your total number of beats will be displayed on the title screen (upper left corner).

Unlock Alternate Endings
When fighting a Hog boss - Make the final blow with a melon as opposed to punching him.
When fighting a Roc boss - Make the final blow the stunning attack, as opposed to attacking the bomb-thingy the Roc is carrying.

Unlock Donkey Kong's Crown
Earn all 60 crests (3 per kingdom), and DK will don the crown he wears during the Crest Check during gameplay.
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