Madden NFL 09 All-Play Cheats - Wii

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Wii

Official Hints
- When a defense looks prepared for your current play, use a quick audible to regain the upper hand.
- While playing through the Madden Test, be patient. Hurrying through the drills will cause your Madden IQ to suffer.
- Use Formation Subs in certain situations to bring a new player into the game. That backup player just might have the skills needed for the current play.
- Remember to utilize the Field Goal Block Return play whenever a long FG is attempted.
- Importing your Fantasy Football Team from your Fantasy League gives you the chance to test your team's mettle on the field.
- Use the stiff arm special move to break more tackles with the ball carrier.
- Using an All Madden or Fantasy Drafted created team will give you the advantage when playing in Franchise or against a friend.
- Use EA Sports World to help track your accomplishments in all game modes.
- When punting is not an option, use the QB Sneak play to push for those last couple of yards in short yardage situations.
- When a play doesn't go the way you planned, don't hesitate. Use EA Rewind to try it over again.
- Utilize the Player HUB to see what part of the game your friends are currently playing in.
- Use the Player HUB to send game invites as well as Online league invites.
- Talk is cheap. Create custom Online Leagues with your friends to see who is truly the best at Madden.
- When playing multi-player games, make sure to use the Bluff Play selection to hide from your opponent which play you are about to run.
- Create new offensive and defensive plays in NFL Head Coach 09 and import them into Madden. Your opponent won't know what to expect!
- Take advantage of the new tackle breaking system. Press a button or move the highlight stick while getting tackled to attempt to break out of it.
- New to Madden? No problem. Use the Beginner Game Style for a simplified Madden experience.
- Madden knows how good you are. When you finish a game, advance to the Virtual Trainer to improve your weaknesses.
- Longing for the days of Maddens past? Play Madden 93 with the 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition.
- Playing Superstar as a Tight End gives you the best of both worlds, allowing you to play as a Lineman and a Wide Receiver.
- It's a good idea to use your EA Rewinds like timeouts, saving them for crucial situations.
- Enter into endzone hotspots to trigger special player celebrations.
- Calling a short yard FB run play with a backup RB is a good way to increase the odds that yards will be gained.
- Read the Madden Moment description carefully, sometimes a FG is good enough to complete the Moment.
- Pause no more! Access Instant Replay, Challenge Plays, and view stats without ever leaving the playcall screen.
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