CSI: Deadly Intent Cheats - Wii

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Downloadable CSI: Deadly Intent Cheats
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Mar. 02, 2010
Complete the following tasks during the 5 cases to earn an award. Awards can viewed on your PDA by first selecting "Case File", and then choosing "Statistics".

Broken Hearted - Complete Case 1: Broken Hearted.
Coulda Been a Contender - Complete Case 2: Coulda Been a Contender.
Crime Scene Impersonator - Complete Case 5: Crime Scene Impersonator.
Chemistry Master - Identify the chemical for Riley in Case 2.
Cinephile - Watched a movie from a case file.
CSI - Deadly Intent: Complete all five cases of CSI: Deadly Intent.
Deadly Secret - Identify the makeup worn by the victim.
Gearhead - Viewed the Options screen.
Heart Mender - Reassemble heart-shaped ashtray in Case 1.
Just for Good Measure - Identify both items incriminating Steve Tampson before his final interrogation began.
DNA Master - Identify the DNA for Juarice Briggs in Case 3.
Document Master - Identify the Document for Nick in Case 4.
Extinguished - Complete Case 4: Extinguished.
Fingerprint Master - Identified the fingerprint for Dr. Langston in Case 1.
Last Gasp - Complete Case 3: Last Gasp.
Rub It In - Interrogate Horace Willingham after he confesses.
Strong Reader - Visited a case file.
Touch of the Irish - Collect all the bottles of Classic Cork.
We Love CSI Fans! - Viewed the opening to CSI: Deadly Intent.
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