Animal Crossing: City Folk Cheats - Wii

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Wii

Unlock Town Fund bonuses
Donate the indicated number of Bells to the Town Fund at Town Hall to unlock the corresponding item or structure:

Bridge is built - 200,000 Bells
Fountain is built - 500,000 Bells
Windmill or lighthouse is built - 1,000,000 Bells
Green Feather - 100,000,000 Bells
Blue Feather - 200,000,000 Bells
Yellow Feather - 300,000,000 Bells
Red Feather - 400,000,000 Bells
Purple Feather - 500,000,000 Bells
White Feather - 600,000,000 Bells
Rainbow Feather - 700,000,000 Bells

Unlock Bank bonuses
Complete the indicated task to earn the corresponding bonus at the bank:

Shopping Card - Deposit 10,000 Bells at the bank.
Box Of Tissues - Deposit 100,000 Bells at the bank.
Gold Card - Reach "VIP" status.

Unlock Prizes at Tom Nook's store
You can earn 1 point for every 100 bells spent at Tom Nook's store. They can be used to earn the following prizes:

Bad bro 'stache - 2,500 points
Banana - 500 points
Hero's cap, Majora's Mask, or Samus mask - 6,000 points
Hero's clothes, Varia suit, or Wario hat - 5,000 points
Kart - 10,000 points
Midna's mask - 6,500 points
Peach's parasol - 4,000 points
Toad hat - 3,000 points
Triple Shells - 800 points
Yoshi's egg - 1,000 points

Unlock House improvement costs
Improvements to your house will cost the indicated amount of Bells:

Normal house - 19,800 Bells
First expansion - 120,000 Bells; results in larger first floor.
Second expansion - 248,000 Bells; results in largest first floor.
Third expansion - 368,000 Bells; results in second floor.
Final expansion - 598,000 Bells; results in basement.

Unlock Better tools
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding tool upgrade:

Golden Axe - Throw an axe into the town fountain to randomly turn it golden.
Golden Fishing Rod - Catch every species of fish.
Golden Net - Catch every species of insect.
Golden Shovel - Bury a normal shovel then dig it up four days later.
Golden Slingshot - Knock down eight balloons to have a random chance of obtaining it from a balloon.
Golden Watering Can - Earn a "Perfect" town rating for fifteen days, then talk to Pelly at Town Hall.
Silver Axe - Throw an axe into the town fountain.
Silver Fishing Rod - Purchase from Tom Nook's store.
Silver Net - Purchase from Tom Nook's store.
Silver Shovel - Obtain from Resetti's Surveillance Center in the city.
Silver Slingshot - Purchase from Tom Nook's store.
Silver Watering Can - Purchase fifty bags of seeds from Tom Nook's store.

Unlock Contest trophies
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trophy for your house:

Bug Trophy - Catch the largest bug by the end of the Bug Contest.
Fish Trophy - Catch the largest fish by the end of the Fishing Contest.

Unlock Connection bonus
Transfer your saved game file from Animal Crossing - Wild World. All your previously unlocked items will now be available for sale in the catalog at Tom Nook's store.

Fishing rod
Talk to Tortimer the mayor during the Fishing Contest to get a free fishing rod.

Bug net
Talk to Tortimer the mayor during the Bug Catching Contest to get a free bug net

Mush Furniture set
Look under the various mushrooms that will appear in your town. They usually appear around 3:00 p.m. daily, in front of trees. You may find an item from the Mush Furniture set (which includes furniture, carpet, wallpaper, and appliances). You can sell unwanted pieces at Tom Nook's store.

Easy money
One of the rocks in your town will randomly give Bells when it is hit repeatedly.

Tortimer: Furnishings
Talk to Tortimer on the following holidays to get the corresponding item:

Cool Globe - Nature Day
Leaf - April Fool's Day
Picnic Basket - Labor Day
Resetti Model - Groundhog Day
Sailboat Model - Explorer's Day
Wheat Bundle - Harvest Moon

Whisp: Wish
Go to the southeast corner of town on a Monday night. A voice will talk to you. Follow its directions until you find Whisp the ghost. He will ask you to find his lost lamp. After you find it, go to the your house's attic. Whisp will give you a wish for finding the lamp. You can ask him to get rid of all your town's weeds, remove all the cockroaches, or get a random item.

Kicks: Change shoe color
Find Kicks, the skunk, sitting on a set of stairs. Have him shine your shoes and their color will now match your hair. Note: You can change your hair color at The Shampoodle. Select "Change style" to return your shoes to their original color.

New message notice
A canary will perch on top of the the Message Board outside of the Town Hall if you have an unread message there.

Unlock Harvest Set
Talk to Tortimer after 3pm on Harvest Day, (which this year was Nov. 27). He will give you a Fork and Knife pair, telling you that the 'Special Guest' hasn't shown up yet. There will be a Turkey character, Franklin, hiding somewhere in your town. You will be asked to trade himm the Fork & Knife. If you do, he'll give you an item from the Harvest Set.

Unlock Pirate Ship Theme
If you see Pascal in your town, give him a scallop(Not a white scallop. That doesn't work) and he will give you a random Pirate Ship theme item. Do not talk to him until you have the scallop with you or he swims away.

Unlock Spooky Series
Every Halloween starting at 6:00 p.m., Jack will be at a random in your town. The only problem is that everyone dresses up like him! However, you'll notice which one is the real Jack simply by the fact that he won't follow you around, unlike the villagers. Make sure that you have candy before you talk to him, or else he will play a trick on you. If you give him candy, he'll give you an item from the "Spooky Series". There are 12 in total.

Unlock Jingle Furniture
On December 24, at 8 pm, Jingle comes to town. Talk to him to recieve a piece of the Jingle furniture. You can change your outfits and accesories to think you're somebody else!
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