Retro City Rampage Cheats - PS Vita

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter the following codes while playing:

[Up], [Up], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Down], [Down], [R], [X] - Gawd Mode.
[Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [R], [O] - Get $100,000.
[Right], [Right], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Left], [Up], [Down], [R], [X] - Speed Shoes.
[X], [Circle], [X], [Triangle], [X], [Circle], [Circle] - Red Sweat Mode.

Unlock Characters
Travel to MJ's Face-R-Us and enter coupon code's to unlock additional playable characters:

DTOID - Destructoid Staff.
MOJANG - Mojang Staff.
Unlock Trophies
8-bit Overflow (Bronze) - Kill 256 civilians within a single life.
A Winner Is You! (Gold) - Get gold medal scores in all sprees.
Bike Bounce (Bronze) - Knock someone off their bike to ricochet another off theirs.
Broken Chain (Bronze) - Reach a 99X chain multiplier.
Daily Grind (Silver) - Find all hidden loot bags, payphones and invisible walls.
Dance Player, Dance! (Bronze) - Avoid the cops at maximum threat level for 1 minute on foot, without taking damage.
Death Cam, No Death (Bronze) - Beat Death Cam VHS without dying.
Eco-friendly Fire (Bronze) - Hit 4 people with a single shotgun blast.
Feeling Groggy (Bronze) - Get "sick" on "milk".
Master of Your Domain (Bronze) - Dethrone GLC's high score.
Rocky Road Tire Crunch (Bronze) - Hit 25 pedestrians in a row with your car without stopping.
The Cosplayer (Bronze) - Play Free Roaming Mode as one of the guest stars.
Tool Time (Silver) - Collect all of the time machine parts.
You Broke The Law! (Bronze) - Raise your threat level by committing a crime that attracts police attention.
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