Air Race Speed Cheats - PS Vita

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PS Vita

Unlock Trophies
Ain't nobody got time for lap (Silver) - Complete one full lap with the nitro constantly running and without crashing.
Air Ace! (Platinum) - Earn all trophies and become the supreme champion of Air Race Speed!
Bad luck (Bronze) - Miss the gold star objective of any level by 0.50 seconds.
Bonus king (Silver) - Complete all bonus levels.
Bonus knight (Bronze) - Complete one bonus level.
Bronze master (Bronze) - Win 24 bronze stars.
Can't touch this (Bronze) - Complete one full level without touching any wall.
Captain (Bronze) - Fly more than 5 hours overall.
Crash collector (Bronze) - Crash 500 times overall.
Crash maniac (Bronze) - Crash 1,000 times overall.
Crash proof (Bronze) - Complete one level (of min 2 laps) without crashing.
Crush (Bronze) - Complete the same level 10 times.
Experienced pilot (Bronze) - Fly more than 2 hours overall.
Expert (Gold) - Complete any level 30 seconds faster than the gold star time objective.
Finger stuck on nitro (Bronze) - Complete one level (min 2 laps) with the nitro constantly running and without crashing.
Flight addict (Silver) - Fly more than 1,000 Mi overall.
Flight lover (Bronze) - Fly more than 250 Mi overall.
Flight maniac (Gold) - Fly more than 2,500 Mi overall.
Frigate bird (Bronze) - Fly 15 seconds with the nitro constantly running and without crashing.
Gold digger (Bronze) - Win 12 gold stars.
Gold is not enough (Bronze) - Complete any level 10 seconds faster than the gold star time objective.
Greedy! (Bronze) - Win 24 gold stars.
Haphephobia (Silver) - Complete 5 full levels without touching any wall.
Hipster (Bronze) - Fly more than 20 seconds wrong way.
Legend (Silver) - Win 35 gold stars!
Marathon (Bronze) - Pass at least 5 stages of any endless level.
Nitro maniac (Bronze) - Complete 10 different levels with the nitro constantly running and without crashing.
Obsession (Bronze) - Restart the same level 30 times.
Serial crasher (Bronze) - Crash 100 times overall.
Silver master (Bronze) - Win 24 silver stars.
So close... (Bronze) - Crash after completing 99% of any level.
Super captain (Bronze) - Fly more than 10 hours overall.
The Neverending Story (Gold) - Pass at least 20 stages of any endless level.
TIER 1 master (Bronze) - Complete all the levels of TIER 1.
TIER 2 master (Silver) - Complete all the levels of TIER 2.
TIER 3 master (Gold) - Complete all the levels of TIER 3.
Tough (Bronze) - Complete one full lap without crashing.
Ultramarathon (Bronze) - Pass at least 10 stages of any endless level.
Unbreakable (Bronze) - Complete 10 non-bonus levels without crashing!
Up to the challenge (Bronze) - Complete all non-bonus levels with the jet Fatboy.
Wealthy garage (Bronze) - Unlock all the jets.
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