Bonus teams
Enter one of the following codes at the main menu.
Select NFL play mode, and a pre-season game. Scroll through the
available teams to choose the corresponding bonus team.
Jaguars and Panthers
Press [Up], [Down], [X], [Y], [Left],
[Up], [B], [A], [Down], [Y].
AFC and NFC Pro teams
Press [B], [Up], [Left], [A], [X],
[Right], [Up], [Right], [Up], [B].
Acclaim and Iguana teams
Press [Y], [A], [X], [Y], [Down],
[B], [Left], [Y], [Up], [Right].
All bonus teams
Press [X], [Left], [X], [Left], [B],
[A], [B], [Y], [Down], [A].
Return ball to your 30-yard line
Attempt a two point conversion after scoring a touchdown.
Immediately pause the game and use a time-out regardless of the
result of the conversion. The game will resume with the ball
at your 30-yard line.