Worms Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Downloadable Worms Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Secret weapons
Highlight any selection except "Exit" at the weapon option screen and press [C], [Z]x2, [C], [Z]x2, [C], [Z]x2. Banana bombs, the mini-gun and exploding sheep will be available for use.

Free movement
Highlight any selection except "Exit" at the weapon option screen and press [C]x2, [Z], [C]x2, [Z], [C]x2, [Z]. Begin game play, select the ninja rope, aim all the way down, and press [C]. Press [Down] when the rope appears to float in the air. Use the D-Pad to float in the corresponding direction.

Wide view
Press [Z]x2, during game play.

Non-tracking view
Press [X]x2 during game play. Press X to resume tracking.

Configure grenade, banana bomb, and cluster bomb
Select the weapon and press [L] to adjust the number of seconds and [R]x2 to maximize bounce.

Christmas mode
Enter "JINGLEBELLS" as a password.

Flat terrain
Enter "00035907" as a password.

Random Hell level
Enter "666" as a password.

Forest levels
Enter "FOREST" as a password.

Candy levels
Enter "CANDY" as a password.
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