Wipeout 2097 Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Primary Collection of Cheats
All tracks
Highlight the "Class And Track" option at the main menu, hold [L] + [R] + [Down], and press [X]x2, [Y]x2, [Z]x2.

Phantom class
Highlight the "Class And Track" option at the main menu, hold [L] + [R] + [Down], and press [A]x2, [B]x2, [C]x2.

Piranha team
Highlight the "Team" option at the main menu, hold [L] + [R] + [Down], and press [A], [X], [B], [Y], [C], [Z].

Unlimited weapons
Hold [L] + [R] + [Down] and press [A]x2 during game play.

Unlimited energy
Hold [L] + [R] + [Down] and press [B]x2 during game play.

Unlimited time
Hold [L] + [R] + [Down] and press [C]x2 during game play.

Machine gun
Hold [L] + [R] + [Down] and press [X]x2 during game play.

Strange ships
Hold [L] + [R] + [Down] when the Saturn logo appears. Release the buttons at the title screen. The vehicles will be changed to a bee, snail, pig, flying saucer, and shark.

Wire frame graphics
Hold [L] + [R] + [Down] and press [Z]x2 during game play.

Unlimited auto-pilot
Hold [L] + [R] + [Down] and press [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z] during game play.
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