Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Downloadable Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Free play mode
Press [Up]x2, [Right]x2, [Left]x2, [Down]x2 at the copyright, purple skull, high score, or demo battle screens. Shao Kahn will say "Excellent" or "Superb" to confirm correct code entry.

Keep wins with free play
Complete the game and select the Battle with Ermac option. Finish the fight with a mercy, then beat him again. The "Choose your destiny" screen will appear without using any credits and your record from the previous game will be retained.

65,535 kredits
Start a one player game and allow the CPU to defeat you on all five kredits. Push [Start] on controller two immediately after losing the second round of the fifth match. The play mode screen will appear. After Shao Kahn laughs three times, you will automatically enter the Mortal Kombat option. If you die during any subsequent match, the continue screen display 65,535 kredits remaining.

Cheat menu
Press [C], [R], [A], [Z], [Y], [C], [Y], [R], [A], [X] at the copyright, purple skull, high score, or demo battle screens. Shao Kahn will laugh to confirm correct code entry. Press [Up] at the Kombat Cube to display a blue "?", which contains the cheat menu with the following options: Free Credit, Mileena, Ermac, Classic Sub Zero, Fatality time, One round matches.

Fight as Human Smoke
Select Cyber Smoke at the character selection screen and hold [Left] + [Run] + [BLK] + [HP] + [HK] at the start of the round. For player two, substitute the code with [Right] + [Run] + [BLK] + [HP] + [HK].

Random character selection
Press [Up] + [Start] at the character selection screen.

Scorpion's Lair "Crispy" fatality
Hold both [Run] buttons after performing the stage fatality on Scorpion's Lair to hear Shao Kahn say "Crispy". Hold both [HP] buttons to see Dan Forden appear and say "Crispy". Hold both [Run] buttons and both [HP] buttons to hear Shao Kahn and Dan Forden both say "Crispy".

New opening quote
Press [Down], [Up], [Left]x2, [A], [Right], [Down] while Shao Khan is laughing on the opening purple skull screen. The opening will change from "There is no knowledge that is not power" to "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

Shao Khan's treasures
The first ten treasures are available at various difficulty levels. The last two treasures are available after winning an eight person tournament or defeating Shao Khan on the 4th Tower (path select).
1 (Dragon): Outcome
2 (MK): Play Galaga
3 (Yin Yang): Fight Ermac
4 (3): Fight Noob Saibot
5(?): Random
6 (Lightning Bolt): Fatality demo 1
7 (Goro): Fatality demo 2
8 (Raiden): Fatality demo 3
9 (Shao Kahn): Fight Noob Saibot and Ermac
10 (Skull): Classic Match
11 (?): Mega-endurance Match
12 (?): Supreme Demo
Kombat Kodes
Enter one of the following Kombat Kodes to unlock the corresponding cheat function.

EffectKombat Kode
Mileena700 723
Classic Sub Zero760 520
Ermac964 240
Streets stage079-035
Bridge stage077-022
Shao Khan's Cave004-700
Ermac's Portal933-933
Noob Saibot's Dorfen050-050
Subway stage880-088
Scorpion's Lair (Hell)666-444
Pit 3 stage820-028
Roof Top stage343-343
Soul Chamber stage123-901
Temple stage600-040
The Waterfront stage002-003
The Grave Yard stage666-333
Jade's Desert stage330-033
Bell Tower stage091-190
Shao Khan's Tower stage880-220
Player 1 half energy033-000
Player 2 half energy000-033
Player 1 quarter energy707-000
Player 1 quarter energy000-707
Super endurance mode024-689
Player 1 does half damage390-000
Player 2 does half damage000-390
No special moves555-556
Combos disabled722-722
Unikkorn Referi-Sans Power044-440
Throwing disabled100-100
Blocking disabled020-020
Real Kombat040-404
Psycho Kombat985-125
Randper Kombat444-444 or 460-460
Dark Kombat688-422
Silent Kombat300-300
Fight Classic Smoke205-205
Fight Noob Saibot769-342
Fight Motaro969-141
Fight Shao Khan033-564
"Go See The Mk Live Tour"550-550
"Rain Can Be Found In The Grave Yard"717-313
"There Is No Knowledge That Is Not Power!"123-926
"Pub! D.K.P."300-003
"It Should Work!?"200-002
"It's Your Sprite Routine! M.A.H."100-001
"Hold Flippers During Casino Run"987-666
"No Fear, Max Countdown, E B Button,Skydive"282-282
"Whacha Gun Do? E.B."004-400
"Don't Jump At Me"448-844
Invisible energy bars987-123
Display revision #999-999
Unlimited run466-466
Super endurance024-689
Hyper run jumps321-789
Play Galaga642-468
Uppercut recovery788-322
Hidden game name
The Space Invaders-type hidden game takes place in a realm called "Rellim Ohcanep" which is a backwards spelling of "Penacho Miller", two members of the development team.

Noob Saibot's name
This hidden character's name is a backwards spelling of "Tobias Boon", which is derived from the co-creators of the Mortal Kombat series; John Tobias and Ed Boon. Ed Boon also provides the voice for Scorpion.

Easier moves
To perform a finishing move that contains an "Up" command, it may be easier to hold [Block] for performing the movement commands to stop you from jumping. Then release [Block] for any attack commands.
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