Street Fighter Alpha 2 Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Downloadable Street Fighter Alpha 2 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Fight as Evil Ryu
At the character selection screen, highlight Ryu and hold [Start] for one second. Move [Right] to Adon, [Up] to Akuma, [Down] to Adon, and [Left] to Ryu. Hold [Start] and press any punch or kick button.

Fight as True Akuma (Shin Gouki)
At the character selection screen, highlight Akuma (Gouki) and hold [Start] for one second. Highlight Adon, Gen, Sakura, Rose, Sodom, Dan, Guy, Rolento, Sakura, Rose, Birdie, and Akuma (Gouki) (in that order). Hold [Start] then press any punch or kick button. To fight as Super Akuma (Shin Gouki) in Vs. mode, highlight Akuma (Gouki) at the character selection screen, hold [Start], then press any punch or kick button.

Fight against Akuma (Gouki)
Begin an arcade mode game, fight seven matches without losing a round or using a continue, and get more than three perfect victories. Akuma (Gouki) will appear before the eighth match as a Boss. Note: He will not appear again if you lose to him.

Fight as Cammy
Begin an arcade mode game as M. Bison (Vega) and get the top high score. Then, enter "CAM" as initials at the high score screen. Select versus mode or training mode, highlight M. Bison (Vega) and press [Start]x2.

Fight as Super Chun Li
Highlight Chun Li at the character selection screen, hold [Start], then press any punch or kick button.

Fight as original Dhalsim
At the character selection screen, highlight Dhalsim. Hold [Start] and highlight Zangief, Sagat, Charlie, Dhalsim (in that order). Press any punch or kick button.

Fight as original Zangief
At the character selection screen, highlight Zangief. Hold [Start] and highlight Sagat, Sodom, Rose, Birdie, Charlie, Dhalsim, Ryu, Adon, Chun Li, Guy, Ken, and Zangief (in that order). Press any punch or kick button.

Fight as original Chun-Li
At the character selection screen, highlight Chun-Li. Hold [Start] for approximately five seconds, then press any punch or kick button.

Alternate Sakura costumes
At the character selection screen, highlight Sakura and hold [Start] for one second. Press [Up], [Left], [Down], [Left], [Down], [Right]x2, [Down], [Left]x2, [Down]x3, [Right], [Up]x2, [Right]. Ryu should now be highlighted. Hold [Start] for three seconds, then press any punch or kick button. Alternately, highlight Sakura at the character selection screen and press [Start]x5.

Sagat's or M. Bison's (Vega's) secret stage
Highlight Sagat or M. Bison (Vega) and hold [Start] for five seconds. Keep the button held, then highlight the character you wish to fight.

Nash's secret stage
Highlight Nash and hold [Start] for five seconds. Keep the button held, then highlight the character you wish to fight.

Stage select
When a new challenger enters the game, highlight the fighter that corresponds to the stage you wish to fight on and hold [Start] for two seconds. Release [Start] then highlight the character you wish to fight as and press a [Punch] or [Kick] button.

Rapid fire in training
Highlight any fighter at the character selection screen and hold [R] for five seconds. Select that fighter and release [R]. When the training match begins, all buttons will be in rapid-fire mode.

Highlight any character at the training mode character selection screen and hold [L] + [R] + [Start]. Continue to the buttons until the word "Fight" appears at the start of the match. Attacks that require a single button press will be faster.

Unlimited custom combo in training
Highlight any fighter at the character selection screen and hold [L] for five seconds. Select that fighter and release [L]. An unlimited custom combo meter will be available when the training match begins.

Hold [L] + [Start], then select a training mode character.

Easy secret character selection
Complete the game using a secret character. The character may be chosen again in Vs. mode or training mode by holding [Start] while selecting that character. The character's name will green to confirm correct trick entry. To select a secret character easily in arcade mode, enable the shortcut selection in the options menu. After a hidden character code has been entered once, that character can be chosen again in arcade mode by highlighting the corresponding name and holding [Start]. The character's name will turn green to confirm correct trick entry.

Fight other Bosses
Do not lose a round, win five or more rounds with Super Combo or Custom Combo finishes. After the fifth win, a different boss character will appear.

Alternate survival mode order
Hold [L] or [R] when selecting a character. Holding [L] starts the following series of matches: Ryu, Bison, Zangief, and Akuma (Gouki). Holding [R] starts the following series of matches: Sodom, Sakura, Rolento, and Bison.

Alternate winning poses
Hold [Start] and press one of the six punch or kick buttons after defeating your opponent and before the knock out symbol appears. Note: Not every character has six alternate poses. The number of poses depends on the character. For example, Ryu and Ken have three poses while Rolento has six.

Alternate costumes
Press any of the six [Punch] or [Kick] buttons when choosing your character.

Alternate Dan speech
Fight as Dan and attain full super combo meter (marked with the number 3). Then, press [Down], [Down/Away], [Away], [Down], [Down/Away], [Away] + all three [Kick] buttons. At the end of the match, Dan should say "Yahoo!" instead of "Koryuken!"

Fight as Dan against Sagat and attain a full super combo (marked with the number 3). [Down], [Down/Away], [Away], [Down], [Down/Away], [Away] + all three [Kick] buttons. At the end of the match, Dan should say "Yatta ze!" Instead of "Yahoo!" or "Koryuken!"
Ryu's fake Ha-Do-Ken/Ken's fake Roll
Sweep the D-pad from [Down] to [Forward] and immediately press [L] + [R] during a match.

Win at least five super combo finishes without losing a round.

CharacterMid-BossLast Boss
M.BisonCharlie Ryu
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