Castlevania: Dracula X Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Downloadable Castlevania: Dracula X Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Start with 99 luck
Start a new game with the name "X-X!V''Q" and Alucard as a character. Note: There are two apostrophes in the name. Game play will begin with luck set to 99.

Voice test
Use Alucard to successfully complete the game and enter the sound test menu. Select the rotating icon that appears in the lower right of the box to enter voice test mode.

Loading screen control
Press the D-Pad when the phrase "Now Loading" appears.

View map
Press [Start] during game play to display the statistics screen. Press [L] to display a castle map.

Hidden images
Insert the game disc into a PC compatible CD-ROM drive and look in the "Omake" directory for several bitmap graphic image files.

Start with axe armor
Start a new game and enter "AXEARMOR" as a name.

Alternate costumes
Highlight Richter at the character selection screen, then hold [L] + [R] + [Up] + [A]. An alternate Belmont dressed in blue and with all of Richter's moves will appear.

Start a new game, then highlight Richter at the character selection screen. Press [Up] + [C] to play the game with the long-sleeved costume that Richter wears during the Alucard game.

Bonus features
Complete the game once to unlock the following features: press [Start] to skip the demo and dialog screens; display saved data as icons; and time attack mode.
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