Wipeout Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Wipeout Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Secret track
Highlight the one player option on the menu screen. Hold [R1] + [L1]+ [Right] + [Start] + [Circle] + [Square], then press [X]. A secret track called Firestar will be available at the bottom of the track list.

Rapier class
Highlight the one player option on the menu screen. Hold [R2] + [L2] + [Left] + [Start] + [Select], then press [X] to select the new option. The Rapier class is now available.

Ignore lap
Use the one of the air brakes to steer hard to one side and turn 180 degrees while crossing the finishing line. If you cross the finish line backwards, the game will ignore your lap and allow you to race it again.

Turbo start
Place the red bar on the second line from the end when the announcer says "Go". Begin to accelerate when the orange light appears, when the announcer says "One" to place the red bar in this position.

Place the game disc in an audio CD player and play track two to hear music from the game.

Glitch: Symmetrical ships
Set the game to two player mode and choose the vertical split screen. Select any track then select the teams. Make sure they are both exactly the same. Start game play and when the camera rotates around the players and the fronts are facing each other, they will be symmetrical.
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