TOCA Touring Car Championship Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable TOCA Touring Car Championship Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Enter one of the following player names to activate the corresponding cheat function. Tiff Needell will say "Cheat mode enabled" to confirm correct code entry.
Disable collision detection
Enter "CMNOHITS" as a player name.

Better traction
Enter "FLEX" as a player name. A pink car with rear wheel drive and better traction will be selectable.

Disco background colors
Enter "CMDISCO" as a player name.
All tracks unlocked
Enter "JHAMMO" as a player name.

No tracks unlocked
Enter "CMLOCK" as a player name.

Helicopter view
Enter "CMCOPTER" as a player name.

Cartoon background
Enter "CMTOON" as a player name.

Starry sky background
Enter "CMSTARS" as a player name.

Bonus cars
Enter "CMGARAGE" as a player name. The new vehicles are in the two empty garages after the Renault Laguna.

All cars unlocked
Enter "GONGOGO" as a player name.

Shoot other cars
Enter "TANK" as a player name. Use the horn to shoot other cars.

Go-kart mode
Enter "CMCHUN" as a player name.

Aggressive cars
Enter "CMMAYHEM" as a player name.

Big hands on steering wheel
Enter "CMHANDY" as a player name.
Low gravity
Enter "CMLOGRAV" as a player name.

Reverse falling rain
Enter "CMRAINUP" as a player name.

Raining cats and dogs
Enter "CMCATDOG" as a player name.

Fast mode
Enter "XBOOSTME" as a player name. All cars will move faster.

Film camera view
Enter "CMFOLLOW" as a player name. The camera angle will change similarly to the that in demonstration mode.

Micro Machines-type view
Enter "CMMICRO" as a player name. An overhead view similar to Micro Machines will be enabled.
Upside down view
Enter "CMUPSIDE" as a player name.

Reversed tracks
Enter "PATSCREEM" as a player name. Then, select the "TOCA Showdown Championship" option at the main menu.

Clear qualifying time names
Enter "CODIES" as a player name. The driver names at the two player qualifying times screens will be removed.

Expert mode
Enter "CMIMPOSS" as a player name.
Mad driver mode
Select a single race, and choose a car and track. Hold [R1] + [R2] + [L1] + [L2] until the "Qualify Race" begins. Your car should begin to turn and skid. Hold [L1] or [R1] to change from reverse to forward.

Listen to in-game commentary
Select a championship race, choose a car, then hold [R1] + [R2] + [L1] + [L2] + [Start]. The game will be paused when the race begins. Remain at this screen to hear all the in-game commentary.
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