Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal Cheats - PlayStation

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation

Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat menu screen
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] while you enter the options menu. The cheat code entry screen will appear. Note: You can only access this hidden screen once per entry to the option menu. To get into it again, back out and re-enter the options screen.

Level select
Press [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [Left] + [Circle] + [Select] at the new game "Stamper" menu.

Low gravity
Enter "FEATHER" at the cheat codes screen.

Small Tiny
Enter "TINYTINY" at the cheat codes screen.

Enter "WEAKROBOT" at the cheat codes screen.

Enter "TANKODOOM" at the cheat codes screen.

Dead River Canyon FMV sequence
Enter "FMVAAA" at the cheat codes screen.

Mortar-Villa Airfield FMV sequence
Enter "FMVBBB" at the cheat codes screen.

Desert Robo-Train FMV sequence
Enter "FMVEEE" at the cheat codes screen.

The Nanometal Mountain FMV sequence
Enter "FMVGGG" at the cheat codes screen.

Atmospheric Reduction Center FMV sequence
Enter "FMVIII" at the cheat codes screen.

Magneto Synchrotron Transporter FMV sequence
Enter "FMVJJJ" at the cheat codes screen.

Mount Mutank FMV sequence
Enter "FMVMMM" at the cheat codes screen.

The Rail Gun Launcher FMV sequence
Enter "FMVNNN" at the cheat codes screen.

The Maze FMV sequence
Enter "FMVPPP" at the cheat codes screen.

And Now FMV sequence
Enter "FMVSSS" at the cheat codes screen.

Appaloosa Interactive FMV sequence
Enter "FMVTTT" at the cheat codes screen.

Game over FMV sequence
Enter "FMVUUU" at the cheat codes screen.

Ending FMV sequence
Enter "FMVVVV" at the cheat codes screen.

Tiny Tank music video
Enter "FMVWWW" at the cheat codes screen.

Disable all active codes
Enter "AAAAAAAAA" at the cheat codes screen.

Hidden sounds
Select the sound test option and listen to the first six introduction sounds. Tiny will recite various trivia and miscellaneous sound clips after the instructions and normal reports.
Ice level
Do not stand still for long periods of time while playing in this level -- keep moving.

Escaping after getting stuck in a wall
If the "Low gravity" code is enabled and you get stuck in a wall, do not struggle. You will settle back to the ground in a few seconds if you do not do anything.
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