The Road to El Dorado: Gold and Glory Cheats - PlayStation

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Keys from Josephine
Steal the biscuits from the table. The sailor will say "Stop stealing my biscuits Josephine. Do you want to end up like me?". Give the monkey biscuits for the red and blue key. They are usually the correct ones for the door the first time. Do not ask for a third key or you will have to start over again. You can then climb across the metal railing and open the door.

Voyage To The New World, Part 3: Two-keyed Bar Door
When you are bribing Joesephine to get you keys for biscuits, ask her for the red key and blue key. If you have to start over again, it will be the green key and the pink key.

Voyage To The New World, Part 3: Disguise yourself as a crew member
When you enter the room with the man polishing a cannon, go to the left side of the far left canon. You should see something red on the floor. Do all sorts of positions until it glows. Pick it up by pressing [X] and you are now disguised as one of the crew. Note: You must be playing as Miguel to do this.

Voyage To The New World, Part 3: Get Past Sailor
Even though you are disguised as one of the crew, you will notice that the sailor polishing cannons still will not let you use his lamp oil or lamp. However, the sailor is completely scared of rats. Go back down to where Tulio is located. You will notice a rat running around. Go to the metal door on the floor, highlight it, and select the boat hook to keep it open. Then, highlight it again and select the biscuit. After the rat has gone inside, highlight the trap again and select the sock to keep the rat in your pocket. After you have shown the sailor the rat, you are free to do whatever is needed. Note: In order for Miguel to get the boat hook, you must select Altivo while highlighting the trap.

Tribute for the giant idols
When you are at the part where Miguel and Tulio get separated after the bridge collapses, you will notice that the giant idols will ask for tribute, such as something to please the eye. First, on Tulio's side, keep exploring until you see one of the idol's ears light up on Miguel's side. Stop Tulio and switch to Miguel. Have Miguel play his reed to the idol. After the idol has raised a gigantic block, have Miguel explore until one of the idol's eyes lights up. Stop, and switch to Tulio. Have Tulio cross the only risen block and get the golden plate. Take the golden plate to the idol with the eyes lit and show it to her. After the block has risen, explore until an idol's nose lights up on Miguel's side. Switch to Miguel and show her the sock. Afterwards, explore until the last idol's mouth glows. Have Tulio feed him a biscuit and you are done.
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