South Park Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable South Park Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Master cheat
Select the "Enter Cheat" option from the main menu. Enter "ZBOBBYBIRD" as a code to unlock all cheat features (all multi-player characters, invincibility, unlimited ammunition, all weapons, and level select) under the "Cheats" option. The name of the cheat will appear to confirm correct code entry. Note: Any cheats that are enabled can be saved during game play.

Chef in multi-player mode
Enter "YLOVEMACHINE" as a code.

Wendy in multi-player mode
Enter "BCHECKATACO" as a code.

Terrence in multi-player mode
Enter "SRAFT" as a code.

Phillip in multi-player mode
Enter "PPHAERT" as a code.

Ned in multi-player mode
Enter "JHAWKING" as a code.

Mr. Macky in multi-player mode
Enter "ACHEATINGSBAD" as a code.

Officer Barbrady in multi-player mode
Enter "DELVISLIVES" as a code.

Big Gay Al in multi-player mode
Enter "GOUTRANGE" as a code.

Starvin Marvin in multi-player mode
Enter "MSLAPUPMEAL" as a code.

Mr. Garrison in multi-player mode
Enter "VDOROTHYSFRIEND" as a code.

Pip in multi-player mode
Enter "EFISHNCHIPS" as a code.

Jimbo in multi-player mode
Enter "QSTARINGFROG" as a code.

Ike in multi-player mode
Enter "HKICKME" as a code.

Ms. Cartman in multi-player mode
Enter "KALLWOMAN" as a code.

Mephisto in multi-player mode
Enter "NGOODSCIENCE" as a code.

Alien Visitor in multi-player mode
Enter "TMAJESTIC" as a code.
Different weapons
While playing any level you can change certain weapons to do different things. For example, press [Select] while using the dodgeball to change it to the super dodgeball. Press [Select] when using the snowball to get yellow snow. Press [Select] when using the warpo ray to get the piranha gun. Press [Select] when using the sponge dart gun press to get the super sponge dart gun. Note: This trick has no effect with the launcher or the chicken sniper rifle.

Easy win in Head To Head mode
Note: This trick is easier with the "Infinite ammo" code enabled. Go to Head To Head mode with any character and level Cycle through your weapons until you find the Alien Dancing Gizmo (which makes your enemies dance when hit). While he or she is dancing, you can quickly get the Cow Launcher and shoot a cow at them.
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