Hold [L1] or [L2] and press [Left] or
[Right] to roll.
Entering cheat mode
Normal cheat mode
Pause the game and press [Circle], [X], [Square],
[Select]. This allows one of the following codes to be used
a limited number of times per mission. Note: This code must be
entered again if a new mission is started.
Extended cheat mode
Fire the laser and pause the game while the laser is still
visible. Press [Square], [X], [Square], [Circle],
[Triangle], [Circle], [Triangle], [Select].
This allows one of the following codes to be used an unlimited
number of times.
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press [Square],
[X], [Triangle].
Smart bomb
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press [Square],
[X], [Circle].
Super laser
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press [Circle]x2,
[X], [Circle], [Triangle], [Square].
Mission completed
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press [Square],
[X], [Square]x2, [Circle].
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press [Circle],
[X], [Square].