Shadow Gunner: The Robot Wars Cheats - PlayStation
Primary Collection of Cheats
Hold [Select] and quickly press [Triangle]x3
at the main menu. Then, press [Triangle], [Circle]x2,
[Triangle], [Circle], [Square], [X]x2.
Level select
Hold [Select] and quickly press [Triangle]x3
at the main menu. Then, press [Square], [X], [Square],
[Triangle], [X], [Triangle], [Circle], [Square].
Begin a new game, then hold [Select] and press [Left]
or [Right] at the mission introduction screen to choose a
new starting level.
Super gun
Hold [Select] and quickly press [Triangle]x3
at the main menu. Then, press [X], [Circle], [Triangle],
[X]x2, [Circle], [X], [Square].
Hold [Select] and quickly press [Triangle]x3
at the main menu. Then, press [Square], [Triangle],
[X], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [X],
Overhead view
Hold [Select] and quickly press [Triangle]x3
at the main menu. Then, press [Triangle]x2, [X]x2,
[Square], [Circle], [Square], [X].