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Downloadable Rockman 2 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Super password
Enter "A5 B2 B4 C1 C3 C5 D4 D5 E2" as a password for all weapons, items, and four energy tanks.

Quick Boomerang
Enter "A1 E1 D2 C3 B4 B5 E2 E4 D5" as a password to obtain the energy efficient Quick Boomerang. The letters "P" and "Q" should appear to the right of the password.

AirmanA1 B5 C3 C4 C5 E1 E2 E3 E4
BubblemanA1 B2 B5 C3 C4 E1 E2 E3 E4
QuickmanA1 B2 B5 C3 C4 E2 E3 E4 E5
HeatmanA1 B2 C3 C4 D3 E2 E3 E4 E5
WoodmanA1 B2 C4 D1 D3 E2 E3 E4 E5
MetalmanA2 B1 B3 C1 C4 C5 E3 E4 E5
FlashmanA1 B2 B4 C1 D1 D3 E2 E3 E5
ClashmanA1 B2 B4 C1 D1 D3 E2 E3 E5
Dr. WillyA1 B2 B4 C1 C5 D1 E3 E5
Time attack mode
Successfully complete the game in enhanced mode. An option for "Time Attack" will now be unlocked at the mode selection screen.

Remixed music
Highlight the "Enhanced Game" option at the mode selection screen. Hold [Select] and press [Start] to play the game with remixed music.
Defeating Quickman
The enemy robot clones operate on flat, uninterrupted rooms in the fifth Skull Castle Stage. Quick Man was specifically programmed for this room. His room in his own stage has two 2-stage rises. Due to this, he seems to run in place for about three seconds on the upside of a step or wall. Use this as an opportunity to deliver a few well-placed Arm Cannon shots.

Defeating level 4 Boss
There are two ways to kill the Dr. Willy level 4 Boss. One way is to use Clash/Crashman's weapon on the walls and the Boss, but you will not have enough left to defeat the Boss (you must keep getting hit and die). When you start back at the check point, find some more weapon energy to fill up Clash/Crashman's weapon. Return to the Boss. The ones you destroyed are gone, but the walls will remain. You now should be able to defeat the Boss. The other way is make sure you have some #1 and #3 remaining. Use #1 to fly up, shoot the one on the right, jump down, shoot that one, use #3 on the wall, go up, head to the bottom right, use one on the wall and the Boss, shoot the ones on the left, then use #1 and fly up. Use the last bit of energy remaining on the last one.

Robot Masters' weaknesses
As with all Megaman games, each Robot Master can take a certain number of hits from each weapon. Some are impervious to other weapons (bullet, missile, Atomic Fire). In the fifth Skull Castle stage (or throughout the game), learn what weapons do the best damage to a specific Boss.

Metalman can be defeated with one hit from his own Metal Blades (which only use half of an energy unit each). Metalman is also easily defeated by about six to fourteen Quick Boomerangs.

Crashman can be defeated by running in an infinity symbol pattern (an elongated sideways figure 8) and shooting him with either an Arm Cannon or Quick Boomerang shot fourteen times or the Air Shooter twice.

Airman can only take two to three Leaf Shields into his intake valves. Wait until he fires his salvo of 3 Air Shooter attacks. He then jumps to the other side of the room to continue his assault. Hit him from behind. His tornadoes are bulletproof.

Flashman can be fooled into walking into a Crash Bomb placed into the left wall. Wait on the upside the until he reaches you. Place the bomb when he is two thirds of the way there. If he reaches you, stay there. Even with the Time Stopper on, the damage you do to him will more than make up for what he does to you. If it works on time, it will only take one Bomb. Otherwise, It may take two or three attempts.

If you make a direct hit with Crash Bombs on Woodman's orbiting Leaf Shield, you will take him out faster than you would with the Metal Blades. One to two hits on the shield itself will defeat him. If you hit him through the leaves, it will take more hits and weapon energy. If you use Metal Blades, it will take more than two weapon units worth to blast an unshielded Wood Man.

If you do not mind being birthday cake pink, Quick Boomerangs will easily take out Metal Man and Bubbleman. Bubbleman can also be taken out by Metal Blades as he descends from his swim.

Heatman (the giant yellow flip-top lighter) can be cooled off with the Air Shooter, Arm Cannon (P), or Bubble Lead. Use him as a toreador or matador uses a bull. After a direct hit, he flames up and turns into a three-stage fire missile, aimed at your last spot before his conversion. Leap over him and counter his attack with an immediate direct hit, which forces him to perform the same feat again. Continue this bullfighting technique until this "heat wave" dies down.

Weapon recommendations
Metal Man: Plain
Flash Man: Metal blades
Bubble Man: Metal blades
Air Man: Plain
Crash Man: Air shooter
Heat Man: Bubble lead
Wood Man: Atomic fire (one shot fully charged, leaf shield is down)
Quick Man: Time stopper/plain
Recommended order
Flashman: With two to three Bubble Lead (B) hits.
Quickman: With all of the Time Stopper (F) and approximately seven Arm Cannon (P) shots.
Metalman: With approximately seven or so Quick Boomerangs (Q).
Woodman: With approximately seven Metal Blades (M).
Airman: With two to three Launchable Leaf Shields (W).
Crashman: With two direct Air Shooter (A) hits.
Heatman: With about four to seven Bubble Lead (B) hits or four Air Shooter (A) hits.
Another order to use is as follows:
Metalman: Use regular shot and dodge his blades. Learn his pattern.

Bubbleman: Four hits from the Metal Blade.

Heat Man: Two hits from the Bubble Lead.

Wood man: One hit from a fully charged Heat Blast. Hold down the button and wait until he throws his leaves at you. Jump over it and hit him as you come down.

Air Man: Two shots of the Air Shield.

Crash Man: Two shots from Air Blast.

Flash Man: Four Metal Blade hits.

Quick Man: Use Flash Stopper to knock off half of his energy, then fire a regular shot. Be quick and watch his pattern. The same works for the fifth level of the Dr. Wily stage, when you fight them again. When you fight Metal Man, one shot from the Metal Blade will suffice.
The recommended order for defeating the robot masters is as follows, if you want to get 100% in this game by getting all 1-up Mega Man lives, all Energy Tanks, all weapon pellets and all energy pellets.
Air Man (uses Air Shooter): Use the Mega Buster.
Crash Man (uses Crash Bomber): Air Shooter.
Metal Man (uses Metal Blade): Mega Buster.
Heat Man (uses Atomic Fire): Mega Buster or Air Shooter.
Bubble Man (uses Bubble Lead): Metal Blade.
Wood Man (uses Leaf Shield): Metal Blade or Crash Bombs.
Flash Man (uses Time Stopper): Mega Buster or Crash Bombs.
Quick Man (uses Quick Boomerang): Time Stopper and Mega Buster.
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