Return Fire Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Return Fire Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Hold [Square] + [X] + [Circle] + [Triangle] to destroy the vehicle currently being controlled during game play. Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] at the vehicle selection screen to destroy a vehicle in the current row.
LevelOne Player Password
2Umbrella, Bird, Butterfly, Flower
3Face, Teapot, Bunny, Umbrella
4Bunny, Umbrella, Bird, Bird
5Flower, Umbrella, Bunny, Teapot
6Bird, Teapot, Butterfly, Butterfly
7Bear, Bear, Clover, Bird
8Bunny, Teapot, Umbrella, Heart
9Clover, Butterfly, Bird, Heart
10Heart, Butterfly, Teapot, Heart
11Umbrella, Umbrella, Bird, Flower
12Flower, Teapot, Clover, Butterfly
13Heart, Umbrella, Clover, Heart
14Bunny, Face, Flower, Clover
15Bunny, Face, Bear, Bird
16Flower, Umbrella, Bird, Bunny
17Flower, Bear, Heart, Umbrella
18Face, Bird, Heart, Clover
LevelTwo Player Password
2Butterfly, Umbrella, Bear, Heart
3Bear, Bunny, Flower, Clover
4Umbrella, Heart, Clover, Flower
5Umbrella, Bear, Bunny, Heart
6Teapot, Bird, Butterfly, Flower
7Heart, Flower, Clover, Butterfly
8Heart, Bear, Bunny, Heart
9Bear, Bunny, Clover, Flower
10Butterfly, Face, Umbrella, Clover
11Bear, Flower, Face, Flower
12Teapot, Bear, Flower, Umbrella
13Heart, Bird, Flower, Clover
14Face, Bird, Clover, Teapot
15Teapot, Bird, Clover, Bear
16Umbrella, Teapot, Bird, Flower
17Face, Bear, Bunny, Flower
18Bunny, Heart, Flower, Bird
Extra levels
Complete all the levels including the top set. Move up once more in the level select screen to access a row that does not display on the screen.
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