NFL GameDay '97 Cheats - PlayStation

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Code menu
Press [L1], [R1], [L2], [R2] at the pre-game screen with the "Start Game", "Roster", "Options", and "Statistics" selections. Enter one of the following passwords. Note: "_" indicates a space.

More injuriesASSASSIN
Hard hits explodeATOMIC_BOMB
Quarterback throws harderBAZOOKA
Cheerleaders are biggerBIG_GIRLS
Star players bigger than other playersBIG_STARS
More time to hit a receiver to free the ballBLASTERS
Less penaltiesBLIND_REF
Strong winds with snowBLIZZARD
Shoulder chargeBO_KNOWS
More injuriesBRITTLE
Quarterbacks accuracy is increasedBROADWAY_JOE
More penaltiesBUSY_REF
Defense hits harderBUTKAS
Displays the creditsCREDITS
Louder hitsCRUNCHY
Darker stadiumDARK_NIGHT
Defense is betterDEFENSE
More effective spinsDERVISH
Used to delete last remaining code in menuDOC
Simulate electric toy football gameELECTRIC_FB
Most players have similar abilitiesEQUALIZER
Players are very smallFLEA_CIRCUS
Players are bigFRIDGE
Hurdles higherFROG
Makes the game as fast as NCAA GameBreakerGB_SPEED
Computer is harderGD_CHALLENGE
Computer is smarterGENIUS
More passes are caughtGLOVES
Huge playersGOLIATH
Kicks are higherHANG_TIME
Jump and hang in air for longer timeHATCHET
Offensive line blocks betterHOGS
No call-pass interference or personal fouls for home teamHOME COOKING
Slippery playing fieldICE_SKATES
Computer is less smartIDIOT
Adds pop ups from the NFL GameDayINFAMOUS_POP_UPS
Ball pops up higher when receiver fumblesJUGGLER
Faster speed burstJUICE
Players dive fartherLONG_JUMP
Announcer is louderLOUD_MOUTH
Forearm shiver on defense is now a karate chopKARATE
Players are smallerKRAIG
Offensive line is at a disadvantageMANDARICH
Clock never runsNO_TIME
Swim move is betterNYSE
Offense is betterOFFENSE
Stiff arm is strongerOUCH
Press [L2] + [Square] to hit harder; like flattening a pancakePANCAKE
Forearm shiver is stronger on defensePINBALL
Jackhammer off a stiff armPISTON
Jump higherREJECTION
Running back is faster and strongerSAYERS
Faster QuarterbackSCRAMBLER
Crowd is louderSHOUT
Players are slowerSLO_MO
Strong wind with rainSQUALL
Harder hitsSTEROIDS
Press [L2] + [Triangle] for jumping one handed catchSTRETCH
Very dark stadiumTEMPEST
Better coverageTIGHT_COVER
Defense backs do not cover as wellTOAST
Quarterback lobs passesTORRETA
Strong windsTWISTER
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