Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
All cars, all standard tracks
Enter "SPOILT" as a name on the options screen.

Additional camera views
Enter "SEEALL" as a name on the options screen. Additional views normally only available during replays will be available under the options screen. Note: The extra views may only be enabled in single player mode.

Crash other cars
Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [Start] + [Select] + [R1] + [L2] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears. Beep the horn during game play to flip the other cars.

Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [L1] + [R2] + [Select]. When the race begins, press [Up] and the other cars will flip. Note: When playing a multi-player game, you cannot flip each other.

Never crash
Press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Left], [Right] at the loading screen.

Horsepower boost
Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [Left] + [Square] + [Circle] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears. The horsepower of your car will be boosted by 25%.

Heavy car
Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [Select] +[Square] + [X] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears. Bump into other cars during game play to push them off the road.

Gum ball police
Select the Redrock Ridge track. Press [Start] to load the race, then immediately hold [Down] + [R1] + [L2] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears. The green Landrovers will be replaced by Gum ball police during the race.

No police jeeps
Select the Rocky Pass track. Press [Start] to load the race, then immediately hold [Right] + [R1] + [L2] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears. The white and blue Jeeps will be replaced by Crown Victorias during the race. To enable this code on The Summit track, hold [Down] + [R1] + [L2] while the track loads.

Southern accented police
Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [Up] + [R1] + [L2] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears.

German police
Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [Up] + [R2] + [L1] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears.

Spanish police
Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [Down] + [R2] + [L1] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears.

Italian police
Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [Left] + [R2] + [L1] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears.

French police
Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [Right] + [R2] + [L1] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears.

Slow motion mode
Press [Start] to load the race after selecting the game options, then immediately hold [Up] + [X] + [Triangle] before the loading screen appears. Keep the buttons held until the loading screen disappears.

Advanced options
Win both Knockout and Tournament on simulation mode.

Bonus tracks
Enter one of the following names at the options screen, then select the single race option to race on the corresponding track. Note: The bonus tracks are unlocked normally by winning the entire tournament on any setting except for multi player. The Empire City track is obtained by winning the Beginner's knockout mode.

The RoomToy car trackPLAYTM
CavernsUnderground trackXCAV8
Auto CrossCanyon trackXCNTRY
Space RaceSpace station trackMNBEAM
Scorpio-7Underwater trackGLDFSH
Empire CityBonus trackMCITYZ

Bonus cars
Enter one of the following names at the options screen, then select the single race option to race with the corresponding car. Note: The CLK GTR is normally selectable only after the Expert tournament is won. The El Niño is awarded after winning Knockout mode under the hardest difficulty setting.

Jaguar XJR-151JAGX
El Niño supercarROCKET

Bonus cars
BMW Nazca C2
This car is selectable once you have placed in the Beginner's tournament.

550 Maranello
This car is selectable once you have placed in the Beginner's tournament.

Diablo SV
This car is selectable once you have placed in the Beginner's tournament.

XJR 15
This car is selectable once you have won the Beginner's tournament.

See the Titanic
Select the Aquatica track and disable night driving and weather. Stop on the big turn after you hear a horn to see the Titanic pass by.

Country Woods shortcut
There is a shortcut in the Country Woods track that can save 18 seconds on your time. It is located where the fence ends near a lot of trees.

Atlantica shortcut
Look for an opening in the wall approximately ten seconds after you pass the Atlantica Civic Center. Enter it to save about five seconds. Note: When you first enter wrong way message may appear, but will disappear after you follow the turns.

Empire City shortcuts
The first shortcut can be found almost immediately after you start the race. The shortcut is on the left, just before you see the crane. There is also a street light almost inside the shortcut.

The second shortcut is just past the first left after the crane. You will see boxes on the right with small, blinking barricades between them. Run them over to get on the shortcut.

After you come out of the second shortcut there is a cement barrier directly ahead of you. Slightly to the left of this there are several flashing barriers, Go through these and follow the path. Be sure to turn to the left so that you can head in the correct direction on the track.

The fourth shortcut is located after you pass through the lighted tunnel and a row of pillars (the second long row of pillars you find). Immediately after you pass all of the pillars, go into the lighted area to the right. Stay in this area until the lights end. Immediately when the lights end, there is a discolored part of the wall with flyers on it. Run through the wall and you will be on the shortcut.
Stacked police cars
Enable the "All cars, all standard tracks" code. Select hot pursuit mode and the pick the El Niño. Go into the hometown and try to outrun the police until they go back to create a road block. When they do, try to get close to roadblock. If done correctly, there will be police car on top of a other one.

Easy wins with a police car
Choose any track and set it to eight laps. Do not chase after the cars. Instead, go backwards until you find a good narrow road and set a spike strip on one side of the road. Then, turn sideways on the other side and wait until someone appears. If they crash into you, turn on your siren; if they go over the spike strip, get as close to him as possible to arrest them. Repeat this until all of them are arrested. Note: If the road is not narrow enough, they can get around you.

High beam headlights
While driving at night, press [Up] to turn on the high beam headlights.
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