Herc's Adventures Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Herc's Adventures Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Diagonal special attack
Hold a diagonal direction on the D-Pad + [Square], then release [Square].

Defeating Cerebus
When you fight Cerebus, Hade's dog, get a lot of health. He can still hit you when you are in the space on the side, with little fire balls from the big ones and eye beams.

Defeating Hades
When you fight Hades, you are really fighting the Martians in a Hades robot. This is why he can stretch his arms and send out Martians.

Easy Drachmas
Go to Elis and get all the coins under objects such as the metal cow and the stand by the scribe. Then, go towards Sparta until the music changes and return to Elis. Get more coins in the same places. Keep repeating this and do not spend them unless necessary.
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