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Downloadable Gran Turismo Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
High resolution mode
Earn an International A License, then enter the GT League and win all four cups, including the GT World Cup. Alternatively, successfully complete all arcade mode tracks under the hard difficulty level.

Bonus FMV sequence
Select arcade mode, obtain the bonus tracks, then finish in first place on all tracks with any car. This must be done in A, B, and C class mode under the normal or higher difficulty setting. A "Staff Video" option will now appear under "Bonus Items".

Replay controls
Press [Circle] to toggles the movie-style camera view and the in car view. Press [Square] to toggle the camera distance from the car (while in the in car view). Press [X] to toggle replay data.

Turn off engine
Get a lot of speed in a straight track, then press [Triangle].

Chrysler Copperhead concept car
The easiest way to get the Concept Car is to get all gold medals on the B-Class license tests. The original red Concept Car will appear in your garage. When you complete the UK vs. US race in first place under the "Special Events" menu, you normally will get an A spec Mazda RX7 LM. However, if you are lucky you may instead get a dark purple Dodge Concept Car with a greater horsepower of 560hp.

To get this car easily, when entering the "UK vs. US" under "Special Events", look under "Starting Lineup". If any positions one through six contain a Copperhead, race the event to win a Copperhead. If not, keep entering the race until you see one. Also, the "FTO LM" is recommended.

Duplicate red Concept Cars
Unlock a Chrysler Dodge red Copperhead Concept Car in your garage and save the game onto a memory card. Remove the memory card, start a new game and select "Trade" from the Home menu. You will be prompted to have a card inserted in slot two. Do this, wait for the card to finish loading, and select the Concept Car from the garage. Normally it costs money to buy a car from this garage, but the Concept Car will cost 0 credits. You will be asked if you would like another car. Answer "Yes" and select the Concept Car again. Repeat this to have a maximum of 100 Concept Cars. Note: The advanced, dark purple Concept Car will cost 35,000 credits.

Chevrolet Camaro 30th Anniversary
Finish the GT League Clubman Cup first in the championship with any car. The 30th anniversary model of the Z28 will appear in your garage.

Demio Aspec
Use the following trick to buy or win a Demio Aspec in the GT Sunday Cup. Modify the car up as much as you can or to 204 hp, then race the GT Sunday Cup repeatedly. You will always win in this car, as it is faster than a normal car but not too fast to the point where you cannot turn corners.

Del Sol Car from Toyota
Finish first in the Japan vs. UK under "Special Events".

Dodge Viper GTS-R
Finish in first in the US vs. Japan race under the "Special Events" menu using a Dodge Viper GTS. The GTS-R will appear in your garage.

Ford GT-90
Win the third race in the MR Challenge.

GTP Twin Turbo
The fastest car is the new GTO Twin Turbo. If you buy everything to make the horsepower rise, it will have 930 hp.

Honda Prelude 94 Vtec
This is a recommended car to start with, as it is cheap with a high horse power. With all upgrades you can win in the France Cup, USA, and other categories.

Imola Tan Subaru Impreza Sedan
Complete the Normal Car (Commercial Cars) championship under the "Special Events" menu and place first. A Subaru Impreza WRX Sedan with an exclusive Imola Orange Tan-like color will appear in your garage.

Mazda Demio A Spec
Enter the Sunday Cup in the "GT League" menu and place first in the championship. A Demio A Spec should will appear in your garage.

Nissan Nismo 400[R]
Get all gold medals in the International A license test.

R*Dodge Concept Car (purple)
Enter the Convertible Car Cup under Special Events and win first place.

R*Ford GT90
Enter the Seattle Circuit 100mi Endurance race and win first.

R*Viper GTS-R
Enter the Apricot Hill 200km Endurance race and win first place.

S14 Silvia LM edition
Go to the All Night #1 Endurance race under special events. Win the race to get 150,000 credits and the Silvia LM edition car.

Toyota Chaser LM
Enter the GT Cup in the GT league menu (with preferably a hard tuned car) and place first in the championship. The limited edition black Toyota Chaser with 655hp will appear your garage. If you finish first in the GT Cup again, it is possible the Chaser will be blue.

Toyota Sprinter Turneo
When you begin simulation mode, you will start with 18,000 credits. There are not many cars in that price range, but the best possible car you can get is the Sprinter Turneo made by Toyota. With only a few upgrades you can race and win the Professional league and the Super Speedway Endurance race.

Toyota TRD3000GT
Get all gold medals in the A Class license test.

TVR Cerbera LM
Enter the UK vs. Japan race under the "Special Events" menu. A Japanese car is recommended. Finish first place in the championship. A limited edition Cerbera with 581hp will appear in your garage.

Entering a race with a higher horsepower
If your car has a HP over the race's limit, take it to the test track under max speed and go to settings. You can remove certain pieces of your car from here to lower the HP.

Fast cars
The fastest car in the game with best the handling and acceleration is the Mitsubishi 3000GT with all tuning for 930 hp.

The fastest car is the GTO*R. Tune it up it will easily beat all the other cars.

The fastest car is the Supra RZ. Be careful though, because it is a FR car and easily spins out.

The car with the most power when fully tuned is the Nissan Skyline R33 GT-R. With every single upgrade enabled, the car will have 955 HP. If you change the gear ratios, the car will go at speeds in excess of 600 mph -- however, there is no track long enough or strait enough in the game to reach that speed.

The purple Concept Car is the fastest car in the game. When properly tuned, it will beat any car in the game, including the GTO Twin Turbo and Skylines, by a good ten seconds in a three lap race.

If you have a 4WD or RWD car with at least 700 horsepower and it has the Full Racing Transmission, you can set individual gear ratios to make it faster. First, set the final gear to level 35 on a Supra (for example). Set each gear down three sets (for example, 0.332 to 329). Go to the Max Speed Test. You will notice your car may be able to top out at anywhere from 200 to 250 mph. Remember, setting the individual gears improves acceleration. Setting the final gear improves top speed.

The fastest car is the Toyota Supra RZ. It only has 910 hp (when fully tuned up). However, it can reach 255 mph. Go to the settings before any race, select the gear ratios and change them as follows: first: 3.214; second: 1.925; third: 1.302; fourth: 1.000; fifth: 0.752; sixth: 0.580; final: 4.011. The Supra should be able to do 255 mph however, it is a FR car. For races such as Mega Speed Cup, the Toyota Supra will definitely be your best choice.

Use the following trick to get the Escudo over 400 kph. First, make sure you have the Turbo Kit stage 4 on the Escudo (1791 hp). Try to get super soft tires, as these decrease skidding. Go into machine test, and on maximum run (full lap). Once done, find the main options before starting the "Settings" option. Then use the following settings: Ride height: Front: 75mm, Rear: 75mm; Gear auto setting: Wide; Final gear: 2.200; Downforce: Front:0.85, Rear 1.80. Note: You must take the corners carefully as the car's speed decreases the more you turn.

Recommended cars
Some people think that the GTO Twin Turbo is the best overall car but the used R33Skyline '95 GT-R Vspec has better speed, acceleration, and slightly better handling.

Although the Skyline has more horsepower, the best overall car in the game is the used 1995 Mitsubishi GTO MR. Fully upgraded, it has 930 hp, can reach speeds in excess of 260 mph with a little tuning, and has a better 4WD system than the Skyline.

The best car in the game is the Mitsubishi GTO LM Edition. It has the best handling around turns and of course on straight aways. You can also go into turns very fast if you know what you are doing, using the brakes to help. Then you can accelerate out of a turn very fast. The top speed is also great.

The best car in the game is the Mitsubishi Galant (the most expensive version), if you tune it up to the maximum. With everything, it goes about 220 mph and has the best handling.

The best car is the GTO Twin Turbo, when it is tuned up to the max. It can reach 930 hp and travels at a maximum speed of 405 km/h. This will set you back a bit, as it costs 43,000 credits and you have to buy all four turbo kits. You can buy a used GTO '92 Twin Turbo for 16,000 to 18,000 credits. This will tune up to 928 hp and can still reach the speed of a new GTO fully tuned up.

The best cars in the entire game, if you can drive them correctly, are the Nissan Nismo Skyline Spec model car (500,000 credits) and the Toyota Chaser Lm won in the GT Cup.

Best bargain when selling
When selling a car, look around the different car dealerships to see where you can sell a car for the most money in return. Note: The red Chrysler Dodge Concept Car cannot be sold to any manufacturer.

Easy money
Buy a car (the Dodge Viper GTS recommended) and do not make any tuning adjustments to it. Then, enter the Normal Car (Commercial Cars) championship. There are five races each with five laps, and for every race you win you will receive 50,000 credits. Additionally, if you manage to come first in the championship, you will receive 100,000 credits. Altogether, that makes a total of 350,000 credits.

If you have 1,000,000 credits, buy a 180SX and enter the Turbo Car Cup in GT mode. You will win easily, giving you 300,000 credits and a R33 drag car.

Get a Toyota Road Car, which costs1,000,000 credits. Tune it up with stage four turbo and race it on the Tuned Turbo Cup on the Test Course. if you win first place, you will get 50,000 credits and a car worth 250,000 credits. The next time you win you will get a car worth18,000 credits, then a car 30,000, find finally a 250,000 credit car.

Get an A class license and then buy a Dodge Viper. Enter the normal car championship. For every race you win, you will receive 50,000 credits.

Get a very good car that can beat rally cars (around 400 or more horsepower) and race the GT World Championships. Race in the series race. There are ten races in all, and each gives you 10,000 credits if you can finish them all in first place for a total of 100,000 credits.

Save money
When buying a car with a lot of HP, it is better to buy a cheap used version of the car. You can upgrade a used car more than a new one and it saves money.

Duplicate parts
Purchase two identical cars. They may be given different color schemes if desired. Buy as many parts as desired for the first car. View the list of fitted parts of the first car from the garage. Switch to the second car, get inside, and view its fitted parts list, which should be empty. While remaining in the second car, enter a spot race. At the qualify options, select "Machine Setting", then "Change Parts". All the parts from the first car should be available. Exit the race and return to the garage. View the list of fitted parts for both cars to see that all desired parts have been duplicated. Note: Only items available on the "Change Parts" menu may be duplicated. This trick will not work on cars that have been awarded.

Conserve memory card slots
Play the game in arcade mode, exit, then enter simulation mode and save the game. By doing this, the arcade and simulation mode information is saved together, cutting the amount of memory card slots used by half.

Memory card battle with only one card
Enter memory card battle mode. A message will appear stating that player one is loading and that no memory card was found for player two. Wait until the information has loaded for player one, then remove the memory card and insert it into the second memory card slot. The game will load data from that location and allow both players to participate in the memory card battle.
100 completion on simulation disc
You can actually get 100% completion on the simulation disc. The "Event Synthesizer" that is unlocked by completing the Special License actually gives you percentage towards completion when raced. Be aware that the professional setting is actually a tournament and not a single race.

Easier turning
When in a turn, hit the brakes until your hear your tires squeal. Then, turn with the D-Pad.

Arcade mode bonuses
The following items are awarded in arcade mode after winning each track. Note: They must be done in A, B, and C order.

High Speed Autumn Ring
Trial MountainDeep Forest
Grand Valley EastSS R5
Clubman Stage 5Grand Valley Speedway
Autumn RingToyota cars
Deep ForestSubaru cars
SS R5The New Dodge cars
Grand Valley SpeedwayTVR cars
Drive forever (demo version)
Normally, you can only complete two laps before the game stops. If you turn around and go the wrong way, you can drive as long as desired. Note: You will not be racing.

Glitch: Save money
If you have bought a car and intend to apply "Racing Modification" and "Weight Reduction" stages one through three, perform "Racing Modification" first. Then, go into the "Weight Reduction" menu. If done correctly, when you try to buy any stage it will say "Finished Fittings For Racing Modification".

Glitch: More maneuvering room
This trick is very helpful when in a tight spot and will work in both arcade and simulation modes. It is most noticeable in straight aways but takes effect anywhere in the course. When in a race and are surrounded by cars with no room to move, if you are on the camera angle where you are not in the car but the view that puts you closest to the car, switch to the view that puts the car farther away. All the cars (including your own) get smaller, however the track stays the same size. This gives you more room to make a move for a turn or to speed up and gain positions.
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