Ehrgeiz Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Ehrgeiz Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Evil Panel mini-game
Start the Battle Panel mini-game and defeat the CPU ten times in a row. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] while selecting "Battle Panel" option at the main menu.

Hidden introduction sequence
Start loading the game and do not press any buttons on the controller. Allow the introduction sequence to play four times uninterrupted. Then, enter the "Movie Player" screen. Highlight the "Opening Movie" selection and press [Right] to access the new "Extra Opening" selection.

Alternate costumes
Hold [Up] while selecting a fighter at the arcade mode character selection screen.

Infinite mode (Japanese version)
Press [L1] + [Start] when "Press Start" appears at the opening screen.

Racetrack mode (Japanese version)
Press [R1] + [Start] when "Press Start" appears at the opening screen.

Fight as Kouji Masuda
Successfully complete arcade mode using any male character.

Fight as Clair Andrews
Successfully complete arcade mode using any female character.

Fight as Yuffie Kisaragi
Successfully complete arcade mode as Cloud.

Fight as Vincent Valentine
Successfully complete arcade mode as Tifa.

Fight as Django
Successfully complete arcade mode using the eight regular non-Final Fantasy 7 characters.

Fight as Zack
Successfully complete arcade mode using all Final Fantasy 7 characters.

Fight as Vincent as a Turk
Highlight Vincent at the character selection screen. Hold [Up] to see him as a Turk. Highlight Vincent and rotate the D-Pad in a "Full-circle".

Viewing Vincent's transformations
In Final Fantasy 7, Vincent's Limit Breaks featured him mutating into a hideous monster to fight through the entire battle To see this in Ehrgeiz, play as Vincent, hold "Special", then release. If done correctly Vincent will throw a few Blasts, and each blast will quickly show a slight appearance of one of Vincent's forms.

Fight as Red XIII
Highlight Django at the character selection screen in a fighting mode, then hold [Up].

Fight as a wolf
When you are Jo, press "Special" and you will turn into a wolf or dog. Playing as this transformation is fun, though very weak. When you press "Special" again you will change back.
Differences between Zack and Cloud
There are a few differences between Zack and Cloud. Cloud has two silver gauntlets, and Zack has one silver, and the other silver with a brown ring under it. Zack has black hair, Cloud has blonde hair. Zack has scars on his face, Cloud does not have any visible scars. Zack has a darker purple suit, while Cloud's is lighter.

Cloud: Third costume
Successfully complete the game as Yuffie. Highlight Cloud at the character selection screen, then hold [Down] and press [X].

Godhand: Charged shot
Hold [Shoot] and Godhand will charge up his gun and shoot three bullets at the enemy that will chase him down. Note: You need at lest five seconds for him to completely charge his gun.

Godhand: Smoke attack
Hold [R1], go up to your enemy, hold the D-Pad towards the enemy and rapidly and repeatedly press "Square "until the enemy has smoke on his or her face. Then, go to the enemy and do it again while it still has smoke on its face. Do it again and Godhand will perform a trick and knock the enemy to the floor.

Han: Two endings
Han has two endings. The bad ending occurs when you do not retrieve the Ehrgeiz and/or his leg. His good ending is unlocked if he accomplishes this task.

Tifa: Third costume
Successfully complete the game as Vincent. Then, hold [Down] while selecting Tifa at the character selection screen.

Normal Ehrgeiz characters
Complete the following tasks to unlock the costumes in this order: Yoko, Han, Doza, Inoba, Sasuke, Jo, Lee, Godhand.
Complete arcade mode without continuing.
Complete arcade mode and get EHRGEIZ with any character.
Perform a 10-hit combo in practice mode.
Get 35,000 points in Battle Beach.
Get 2,000 points in Infinite Battle.
Unlock all FMVs in the Movie Player.
Get a perfect score on Evil Panel (CPU must have 0 panels).
Defeat the CPU in Battle Runner on any level with any number of laps.
Unlocking hidden characters easier
Go to the options menu and choose "Game Settings" Set the opponent's to very easy, then set the time to infinite and one round so that you will only have to defeat him once.

Defeat the final Boss (arcade mode)
When fighting the final Boss, break open the two boxes on the altars. Throw both of the swords that come out of them at the Boss to destroy him. Collect all the treasures and Ehrgeiz when they appear. Note: This is timed and if you are injured too much, you will lose.

Character ending sequences
To view a character's ending sequence, successfully complete the game with that character. You do not have to get the Ehrgeiz to see the ending sequence unless you are Han.

Alternate Cloud picture
Cloud's picture is different between the Japanese and North American version of the game.

Losing Clair Andrews
On "A Brand New Quest", level you are Koji and Clair Andrews. You can lose Clair briefly at the start of the game. At the start, when you and Clair are in the room where you fight Prince Doza (Prince Naseem in the Japanese version), you must run around the pit without falling in, Clair will eventually fall in while trying to catch up with you. After this, she will not be there to follow you.

Fighting Cloud and Tifa
In Sasuke's arena, there are two other doors. One leads to the boss, Django. The other leads to Cloud and Tifa. To fight them you must defeat Sasuke in five minutes or less to get into the Gold Saucer-like entrance to the two battles. Cloud's arena is an elevator and Tifa's is in one called "Underground".

Sephiroth's ending
To see the Final Fantasy 7 sequence, which is commonly known as Sephiroth's ending, successfully complete the game in arcade mode with Sephiroth. Note: You do not have to get the Ehrgeiz Sword at the end.

Control victory pose
During a victory pose, press the D-Pad to move your character's eyes.

Press [R1] + [R2] while you are running.

Items through walls
In "A Brand New Quest" there are some walls that have items, mostly money, inside of them.

Buster sword
Enter the weapon shop to see the Buster Sword, Cloud and Zack's weapon. It is leaning against the wall next to the weapon shop owner.

You can see the Masamune, Sephiroth's weapon of choice, behind the weapon shop owner on the wall; it is the longest sword.

Easy Battle Beach
Note: A controller with an auto-fire feature is required for this trick. When the race begins, set "Run" to auto-fire.

Use the following trick to interfere your opponents running on Battle Beach. Overun them far enough to where they are not shown on the screen -- so that they cannot even see what they are doing. This must be done in a two-player game, with a auto-fire controller recommended.

Close finish in Battle Beach
When playing Battle Beach, you can, especially if tied throughout the run, press Square or Triangle when extremely close to the finish line to lean into it. This is can be used to edge off your opponent during a close race, or to shave a second off your time.

Hold the D-Pad in any direction and press [Select] button in Ehrgeiz Fighting modes. Your character will perform a taunt. Each character has one to four taunts each character.

Ring out
There is a way to get a ring out in certain levels. To accomplish it, just stay towards the side of the ring throughout the battles. Very rarely, you will fall out of the ring, and a "Ring Out" will be announced.

Extra lives
On "A Brand New Quest", you can get extra lives before you fight the final Boss. When you kill the second to the last monster on the 21st floor, you will die when it explodes. You must control your secondary character, your weak one, all the way down to the 21st floor where your companion is dead. Before you go into the room where you fight your toughest battle, start attacking your dead friend. You will notice that he will lose health every attack. Then, walk into the previous room and your levels will go up repeatedly. You can go back in and beat up the dead body more.

Restore health
When low in health in "A Brand New Quest", go back into the hotel and switch characters. After that, switch back to the original character and his or her health will be full.

If you have no money, Dragon Wing, and healing source of any kind, go somewhere where no monsters can attack. You will slowly get your health back. Note: Your character will get hungry.

Repair weapon
When deep in the dungeon with no Dragon Wing and your best weapon is about to break, equip that weapon and go to a fairy. It should repair the weapon for you.

Hotel visitors
In "A Brand New Quest", the Hotel tells you many things including a story about the presence of Cloud and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7 visiting that dimension. He says, "This hotel has had many guests. We've had a guest with spiky blonde hair, carrying a big sword. We've also had a man with long silver hair stop by. They all seem to have come from various dimensions, and, in turn, have journeyed off to other dimensions."

Hotel picture
When you are in a "Brand New Quest", there is a picture above your bed in the hotel. This is the picture of one of the few shown on the title screen of "A Brand New Quest".

Secret rooms
There are secret rooms in the dungeon in a "A Brand New Quest". A few walls are breakable -- throw a bomb at this type wall and it will break apart into debris, creating a hole or doorway to a secret room.

Falling down the pit
In battle runner, you can fall through the pit in the middle. This is accomplished easily -- just keep running against the invisible barrier and jump a few times. Eventually you will fall down the pit.

Glitch: Same sounds
Select practice or vs. mode with Yuffie and Sasuke. When you play as Sasuke and fight against Yuffie, hold "Special" and press "Lower Attack". If done correctly, Sasuke will sound just how Yuffie would if she did the move (since they have the same moves).

Glitch: See same character
In "A Brand New Quest" when you go to switch characters, for a moment you will see the same character.

Glitch: Sword embedding
This trick will allow you to get stabbed and run around with the blade sticking out of your back. Enable "Boxes mode" and stab somebody or get stabbed by somebody by having the blade in the box thrown at them. The blade be stuck in your or your opponent's chest. This trick does not work with any weapons besides daggers, knives, and swords.

Glitch: Sasuke with sword in his hand
This trick will allow you to play as Sasuke with his sword in his hand, rather than in his scabbard. Get in a fight as Sasuke and use a sword technique. If the enemy hits you before you slice them, you will have your sword in your hand throughout the battle, even during punches. Using another sword technique will result in the sword being returned to its scabbard.

Glitch: Long Sephiroth hair
Sometimes, usually when you are knocked out, while playing as Sephiroth, his hair goes through his chest and out his back. This occurs most of the time, and almost 100% of the time in his second outfit.

Glitch: Reappearing man
In "A Brand New Quest", go directly to the blacksmith. When you first enter the room, there is only one man there. Then suddenly another man will flash in his position a few times and appears. The game is paused during this period it is paused, and it happens quite fast (about one second).

Glitch: Sloppy victory pose
When your character does a victory pose, hold [R1] or [R2]. When the character starts to run out to the other stage, they will do an evade and run out sloppily.

Glitch: Get the ladder incorrectly
When you are finished defeating Jo, your victory pose will be shown. It is where a rope ladder will go down from a helicopter, and you grab on. If you want to get on the ladder backwards, hold [R1] or [R2]. When you walk to the ladder, you will evade and grab on to it backwards. The game will show your character actually holding onto air rather than the rope ladder.

Glitch: Godhand (demo version)
Towards the end of the introduction sequence, Godhand will be shown trying to kill Yoko with an ax. In the actual game, it is Dasher Inoba with the ax in the video. Godhand also looks quite beta looking.

Glitch: Sloppy victory pose (demo version)
When your character does a victory pose, hold [L1], [L2], [R1], [R2] to do an evade on the way out of the stage.

Glitch: Battle panel (demo version)
There is an option to play fighting version or battle panel. When you select battle panel, it will take you to the main demo selection screen. Battle panel was removed in the making of the demo, but the selection still exists.
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