cheat description | size | |
GAMESHARK CODES Nov. 29, 2006 | 1KB | |
GUIDE Nov. 25, 2005 | 8KB |
TV Belt Tour: Play a single career mode and win the TV title.3-On-1 match
Heavyweight Belt Tour: Play a single career mode and win the Heavyweight title.
Tag Team Belt Tour: Play a tag team career (one or two players) and win the Tag Team belts.
Fourth belt in career mode: Toughman Belt
Double SuplexReplacement moves in creation mode
Press [Circle] simultaneously on both controllers when you and your partner are in front of your opponents.
Double Powerbomb
Get in front of the stunner person and have your partner get behind. Press [Circle] simultaneously on both controllers. Sometimes one person will do a Leg Sweep while the other does a Spinning Heel Kick.
Camel Clutch Punches
Have both players stand at your oppenent's head when they are down. Press [Circle] simultaneously on both controllers. One player will do a Camel Clutch and the other will punch him.
Camel Clutch and Boston Crab
Have one player stand at the opponent's head and the other player at the feet when they are down. Press [Circle] simultaneously on both controllers. One player will do the Camel Clutch while the other does a Boston Crab.
Double Leg Splitter
Have both players stand at the opponent's feet when they are down. Press [Circle] simultaneously on both controllers.You and your partner will each grab a leg and pull it away from the other leg.
Double Reverse Suplex:
In a tag team or two-on-one match, isolate one member and stun him or her. Have both of your wrestlers stand behind the dizzy opponent and press [Circle] simultaneously. This will execute a Double Reverse Suplex.
The WhipperSnapper can be used as the Stone Cold Stunner.Taunt replacements in the creation mode
2x Arm FaceBuster can be used as HHH's Pedigree.
The One Arm Slam can be used as The Rock's Rock Bottom.
That's Incredible can be used as Undertakers and Kane's Tombstone.
The Kick To Groin in the corner can be used as Goldust's Shattered Dreams.
The Bronco Buster in the corner can be used as Xpac's Bronco Buster.
The Pinning DDT can be used as Raven's Evenflow DDT.
The Rocker Dropper can be used as Billy gunns Fameasser.
The Sicillian Drop can be used as Christian's Impaler.
The Novacaine can be used as Edge's Downward Spiral.
The 5 Star Frog Splash can be used as D'lo Brown's Low Down.
The Twitching elbow when runnin and there on the ground can be used as the Rock's Peoples Elbow.
The Wrap Around DDT can be used as The Rock's Miavia Hurricane.
The Death Valley Driver can be used as The Godfather's Pimp Drop.
The Double Arm DDT can be used as Mankind's TradeMark Move.
The Implant DDT can be used as Gangrel's DDT.
The Jazz Stinger can be used as Xpac's X Factor.
The Pump Kick can be used as Steve Blackman's Pump Kick.
The Santoro Slam can be used as Kurrigan's BearHug Slam.
The Katahma Jamia Can Be Used as Tazz's TazzMission.
The Katahma Jamia Plex can be used as Tazz's TazMission Plex.
The Elevated Crab can be used as Chris Jericho's Walls of Jericho.
The Bada Bing can be used as Rikishi's Corner Move.
The Blockbuster can be used as Buff's Blockbuster.
The Top Rope Arm Wrench can be used as Undertaker's Arm Wrench off the Top.
The Celestial Splash can be used as Vader's Vader Bomb.
The Somersault Leg Drop can be used as Sabu's Arabian Face Buster.
The Chicken Choker (in a tie-up) can be used as Mankinds Mandible Claw finisher.
The Low Blow can be used as Chyna's Low Blow move.
The Five Star Frog Splash can be used as Eddy Guerro's Frog Splash move.
The Turnaround Moonsault can be used as Lita's Moonsault.
The Death Lock move can be used as Sting's Scorpion Death Lock.
The Reverse DDT can be used as Sting's Scorpion Death Drop.
The Rack move can be used as Lex Luger's Toture Rack.
The Leg Drop Move can be used as Hogan's Leg drop.
The Twitching Knee Drop by the side can be used as Road Dogg's Crazy Legs Knee Drop
The Axe Kick can be used as Booker T's Axe Kick
The Front Face Gutwrench can be used as Faarooq's Dominator
The Crossface can be used as Benoit's Crippler Crossface.
The Dreamer Driver can be used as the Rikishi Driver.
The Butt Drop can be used as Rikishi's Rump Shaker.
The Crucifix Powerbomb can be used as Undertaker's Last Ride.
The Twitchin Splash can be used as Porn Star Val Venis's Money Shot.
The Acapulco Plunge can be used as Right To Censor Val Venis's Powerbomb.
The Time Bomb can be used as Big Bossman's Bossman Slam.
The Deep Impact Move can be used as Tiger Ali's Dropping Facebuster.
The x2 Arm Facebuster can be used as War XO's Minesweeper.
The Super Kick can be used as Shawn Michael's Sweet Chin Music.
The Super Kick can also be used as Steven Richards Steven Kick.
The Gem Cutter can be used as the Buh Buh Cutter.
The Reverse Brainbuster can be used as D'von Dudley's finisher.
The Pearl Necklace can be used as Matt Hardy's Twist of Fate.
The Front Flip Senton can be used as Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb.
The Rollin Thunder can be used as Scotty 2 Hotty's Worm move.
The Bytch Slap can be used as Stephanie Mcmahon's move.
The Flying Elbow Drop can be used as Shane Mcmahon's move,
Also it can be used as Test's Move and Macho Man Randy Savage.
The Night Driver can be used as K-Kwik's Facebuster Suplex.
The 450 can be used as K-Kwik's 720 Splash.
The Krytonite Krunch can be used as Edge's Edge O Matic.
The Fallen Angel can be used as Marc Mero's TKO Move.
The Turnaround Moonsault can be used as the Mero Sault.
The Implant DDT can be used as Gangrel's move.
The One Arm Slam can be used as Booker T's Book End.
The Tennesee Jam can be used as Grandmaster Sexay's Hip Hop Drop.
The One Handed Chokeslam can be used as Big Show's Showstopper.
The Triple Powerbomb can be used as Jericho's Multi Powerbomb.
The Moonsault at the side can be used as Jericho's Lionsault.
The Dreamer DDT can be used as Chyna's DDT move.
The Sleeping Neckbreaker can be used as Chyna's Rear Naked Choke Drop.
The Painkiller can be used as Perry Saturn's Ring's of Saturn.
The Front Brainbuster can be used used as Hardcore Holly's Hollycaust.
The "A Little Shake" taunt can be used as Al Snow's Taunt (Hold imaginary object up in the air with your hands, and shake it back and forth.)Suggested creation moves
"Are You Ready" taunt. (The wrestler crosses their arms up in the air.)
"Arm Up Lean" taunt (Hold one arm up while leaning to the opposite side.)
"Arms Down" taunt (Lean Backwards, and pull both of your arms backwards at your sides.)
"Arms Out Flex" taunt (Holdy your arms out for a typical muscle flex.) Can be used as Lex Luger, Scott Steiner, and Hogan's taunt.
"Arms Up Eh" taunt (Hold one arm up and spin around 360 degrees.) Can be used as D-Von Dudley's taunt.
"As You Wish" taunt (Bend forward halfway so that you're bowing down to the opponent.)
"Bang" taunt (Put your hands in a gun shape, and make a shooting motion off to the side.) Can be used as Cactus Jack's taunt.
"Belly Slaps" taunt (Pound on your belly with your hands)
"Big V" taunt (Raise both your arms up to make a V shape with your arms and body.) Jack Victory's taunt.
"Blowing You Off" taunt (Hold one hand out and point to the opponent, motioning him away from you.)
"Body Rub" taunt (Rub your body all over.)
"Boxer" taunt (Move your hands around each other in a circular motion, like a boxer warming up)
"Bring It To Me" taunt (Lean backwards, and motion with both hands to the opponent to come towards you.) Can be used for The Rock's taunt.
"C'Mere Punk" taunt (Hold one hand out, and motion to the opponent to come forward with the other hand.)
"Check Me Out" taunt (Point with one hand to yourself while twisting and looking at the crowd.) Can be used as a Kurt Angle taunt.
"Chicken Choke" taunt (Make a motion like your choking a chicken's neck.) Roadkill's taunt.
"Come Get Some" taunt (Kneel forward, and motion with your hands for the opponent to come forward.) Can be used as a Rock taunt.
"Come to Angel" taunt (Use both hands to motion the opponent to come forward.) Angel's taunt.
"Count on Two" taunt (Get down onto your knees to make a fast two count and stop on the third one.) Can be used as Shane McMahon's taunt.
"Crazy Up" taunt (Hold both hands in the air, and grab one hand by cupping it from behind with the other hand.) Super Crazy's taunt.
"Cut it Out" taunt (Bend forward, put one hand on your hip, and motion up and down with your other hand.)
"Double Flexxy" taunt (Do a typical muscle flex above your shoulders, follewed by another muscle flex at shoulder level.)
"Down Here" taunt (DX style crotch chop.) DX's taunt.
"Down the Middle" taunt (Hold one hand in front of you, and split the air down the middle with the other hand.)
"ECW" taunt (Hold both your arms out to opposite sides, making a T shape with your body.) Tommy Dreamer's taunt. Can be used as Scott Hall's taunt.
"Egging You On" taunt (Bend forward, put one hand on your hip, and point up and down towards the opponent)
"Excuse Me" taunt (Put both of your hands on your hips and hold them there.)
"FBI" taunt (Curl both of your hands backwards underneath your chin, and push your hands back and forth.) FBI's taunt
"FBI Dance" taunt (Shake your hips up and down, then raise one hand up in the air.)
"FBI Kick" taunt (Do the infamous FBI taunt, and a normal kick at the same time.)
"Feed Me" taunt (Lean backwards, and cup both of your hands over your mouth in an eating fashion.) Can be used as a Gangrel taunt.
"Flap Flap" taunt (Hold both arms up, and wave them up and down.)
"Female Butt Rub" taunt (Turn Around, and shake your butt while rubbing it.)
"Gangsta X" taunt (Hold both hands up in the air, and cross them to make an X.) This is not the DX taunt.
"Get Ready" taunt (Move one of your legs out to the side in a bending pose, followed by a DX crotch chop.) Alternate DX taunt.
"Get Some" taunt (Hold one arm behind your back, and motion towards the opponent with your other arm.)
"Get Through Me First" taunt (Cross your arms across chest and hold it there.) Can be used as Ahmed Johnson, Kronic, The Right to Censor's taunt.
"Go Homeboy" taunt (Do the dance where you swing both arms from left to right in a circular motion while swinging your hips too.)
"Goin Down" taunt (Put one hand at your hip, and point downward with your other hand.)
"Hands On Hips" taunt (Bend forward, and put both your hands on your hips, while shaking your head.)
"Hello Hello" taunt (Put your hands behind your head and shake your hips around.) Val Venis's taunt.
"Here's to Spike" taunt (Hold your arms at chest level, then wave to the crowd.) Spike Dudley's taunt.
"Here I Am" taunt (Hold both of your arms out wide above your head, and twist around a little bit.)
"Hey Hey" taunt (Put one hand on your hip, and wave with the other hand.)
"I Said So" taunt (Point at the opponent with one hand, while shaking your head and trash talking at the same time to him.) Can be used as a Stone Cold Steve Austin Taunt.