Dragonball GT Final Bout Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Dragonball GT Final Bout Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Bonus fighters
Press [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up], [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up], [Start] at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. The following fighters will appear at the Build mode character selection screen: Super Saiyajin Trunks, Super Saiyajin Seinen Trunks, Super Saiyajin Son Gokuh (Z), Super Saiyajin Son Gokuh (GT), Super Saiyajin Chibi Son Gokuh (GT), and Super Saiyajin Vegetto.

Press [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up] repeatedly at the title screen until you hear a beep. Then, press [Triangle]x5, [Square] until you hear another beep.

Press [Left], [Right], [Down], [Up], [Left], [Right], [Down], [Up] at the title screen when Goku appears and "Final Bout" appears. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Sound test
Press [L1], [L2], [R1], [R2], [Start] at the title screen. Press [Select] after choosing a song to view the lyrics and additional song information. Note: Press [L1] + [R1] + [R2] + [L2] at the presentation screen in the Japanese version of the game.

Fight as Gotenks
Complete the game nine times under the hard difficulty setting with Trunks without using any continues. Highlight Trunks on the character selection screen and press [Select]x9. Gotenks (a fusion between Trunks and Goten) will be unlocked. Note: You do not fight against Gotenks in any version of the game.

Fight as Gogeta
Successfully complete the game twenty times under the hard difficulty setting with no continues. If done correctly, Gogeta will appear at the character selection screen.

Fight as Super Bebi Vegita (the final Boss)
Hold [Select] + [Square] while choosing Vegita at the character selection screen. Keep the buttons held until the battle begins.

Fight as Super Saiyanjin 4 Son Gokou
Enable the "Bonus fighters" code, then press [Triangle]x10, [Square]x9 at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: For the Japanese version of the game, press [Triangle]x5, [X]x9 at the title screen. Alternately for the Japanese version, press [Triangle]x9, [X]x9 at the title screen

Enable the "Bonus fighters" code, then press [Up]x5, [X]x9. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Fight against Super Saiyan 4 Goku:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty without using any continues and get a perfect against Super Bebi Vegeta.

Random tournament mode characters
Select tournament mode, then press [Start] at the character selection screen.

Wire frame fighters
Select two player or training mode. Hold [Select] and press [X] when choosing a character to fight without texture mapping or shading.

Alternate costumes
Select two player or training mode. Then, press [Square] + [X] + [Circle] when choosing a character.

Easier main attack
Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle] to perform most character's main attack easier.

Press [X] + [Square].

Using secret powers
When playing as Gokuh (Normal DBGT), Vegeta (SSJ), Majin Boo and Gogeta or Vegetto, quickly press [Forward], [Back], [Down], [Up], [Triangle] (which releases the powers) during a match.

Self-destruct attack using Vegeta and Majin Boo
There are two characters that have self-destruct attacks, Super Saiyan Vegeta and Majin Boo. This attack is done in the same way that the Genki Dama (also known as Spirit Bomb in North America) is done: [Forward], "Away", [Down], [Up], [Triangle]. Vegeta will look like he is powering up for something big, then a huge explosion that will hit your opponent from all most anywhere in the battle arena. The same will happen with Majin Buu. This attack will do massive damage to your opponent and will not hurt your character. It will only take away some Energy to use energy (KI attacks).

Press [Down], [Forward], [Triangle] or [Down], [Forward], [Square].

More than one energy ball
Press [Down], [Forward], [Triangle] you to will send more than one energy ball.

Different techniques
There are two different techniques - [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle] (stronger) and [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle]. Also, Vegeta, Majin Boo, Goku and Vegetto or Gogeta have a special one that is done by pressing [Forward], [Back], [Down], [Up], [Triangle].

Do a 360 while pressing [Triangle] several times. You can do three different Kamehamehas (close, middle, and far).

Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].

Ending move
When your opponent's health is low, start doing Meteos. On the last one, your character should do a Ki Blast and say something.

Building a fighter in build up mode
Select a strong character that you are already familiar with and start to build combos until he or she gets to level 43. Then, start to build up their defense by fighting a few reasonable matches by holding "Block" through the whole bout. This will help improve your blocking a lot. After this, you must build your character's shot. If built up correctly, your character will be able to kill a good enemy with only two to three ordinary hits. You can build this up by being very cheap and doing the shot over and over again. Note: Do not make one move stronger then the others or build up everything except for one move. Opponents can find your weakness and will use it to their advantage. Make sure that all your moves are balanced.

Select your fighter and start training him. When in battle pick one move out of his normal attacks and special attacks and use it for that entire fight. Then, select that character again and use a different attack. After you have completed all the attacks on that character, move onto the next one and repeat. Getting a BP of 7,986 with Buu and a BP of 8,325 is possible if this is followed.

Special combos
Walk towards your enemy then press [Forward] + [R2]. When the enemy is in air, press [Right] + [Circle] + [Triangle] and keep repeating.

Super Ki blasts
For a strong blast, press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle]. For a weaker one, press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle]. If playing as Vegita, Majin Boo, Goku, Vegetto or Gogeta, press [Forward], [Back], [Down], [Up], [Triangle] for a good special.

Meteo attacks
While walking towards a character, if you are right next to them, hold the D-Pad in your opponent's direction and press [R2]. While they are flying back, keep rapidly pressing [Square] + [X] or [X] + [Circle]. Hold the D-Pad in the direction of the opponent and your character will do a combo of attacks. [Square] + [X] will do punches, and [X] + [Circle] will do kicks . While doing the Meteo, keep holding the D-Pad and pressing the two button combos. You can change the combination of the two buttons for more variation. Do not releast the D-Pad or the Meteo will stop.

You can do a total of 10 Meteo attacks in a row. To counter a Meteo attack, use the same buttons to start one yourself. For example, hold down towards your opponent + [R2] and repeatedly press one of the combo buttons to start an attack. This is a guessing game.

Chi moves
All other forms of Goku can use these moves except for Spirit Bomb.
Kamehameha: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Powered Up Kamehameha: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].
Spirit Bomb: Press [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up], [Triangle].

Kamehameha: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Unknown: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].

All other forms of Trunks can use these moves.
Unknown: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Unknown: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].

Super Vegeta
Blast: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Final Flash: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].
Self Destruct: Press [Right], [Left], [Up], [Down], [Triangle].

Masenko: Press [Back], "Down Forward", [Triangle].
Kamehameha: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].

Kamehameha: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Self Destruct: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].

Pink Blast: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Another Pink Blast: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].
Self Destruct: Press [Right], [Left], [Up], [Down], [Triangle].

Small Death Ball: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Big Death Ball: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].

Hyper Beam Cannon: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Masenko: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].

Super Vegeto
Kamehameha: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
teleport kick: Press "Back,", [Down], [Up], "Circle
"Death: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward]

Same moves as Vegeto.
Super Saiyanjin 4 Son Gokou Moves
Meteo Attack: Press [Triangle].
Triple Meteo Attack: Press [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Kamehameha: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Triangle].
Powered Kamehameha: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Triangle].
Combo: Press [Down], [Up], [Circle].
Super Combo: Press [Down], [Forward], [Square].
Ultra Combo: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Circle].
Vegeto: Special moves
Invisible energy ball: Press [Up], [Down], [Forward], [Back] + [Triangle]. If it hits, Vegeto will make fire appear around them.
Kicking combo: Press [Up], [Down], [Back], [Forward] + "Kick".
Invisible beam: Press [Left], [Right], [Down], [Up].
Glitch: Reverse Super Ki Blast
This trick requires both players to be at the furthest top of the sky. Hold the D-Pad in your opponent's direction and press [R2]. When they fly back, press [Triangle] + [X]. When the opponent reaches the ground, quickly fly to the other side of him and you will do a Reverse Super Ki Blast. If you are using Trunks (Super Trunks and Super Saiyan Trunks), Piccolo, Freiza, or Cell, quickly press [Back], [Down], [Forward] when the opponent reaches the ground to use the stronger Ki blast. If you are using Buu, Cell, Freiza, or Vegeta press [X] + [Square] to do a super powered Ki blast.
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