cheat description | size | |
SAVEGAME FOR US VERSION Nov. 29, 2006 | 3KB | |
GAMESHARK CODES Nov. 29, 2006 | 1KB |
Level selectDie Hard 2 codes
Press [Down], [Circle], [Left], [Square], [Up], [Square], [Left]. Press [Start] on controller two to display a level name. Hold [Start] and press [Left] or "right" to select a new level. Press [Select] to enter the displayed level.
Press [Right], [Up], [Down], [Square].
Press [Right], [Square], [Down], [Circle] for 50 standard grenades, 50 flash-bang grenades and 50 smoke grenades
Alter commentary speed
Press [Down], [Square]x2, [Right]. 15 bullets will appear and the speed of the commentary will change Repeat this code to toggle between very slow and extremely fast commentary.
Fat mode
Press [Right], [Square]x2, [Down].
Floating dead
Press [Down], [Square], [Triangle], [Down].
Reverse directions
Press [Right], [Square], [Triangle], [Right]. The forwards and backwards directions will be reversed. Repeat this code to return to normal.
Display coordinates
Press [Left], [Circle], [Down], [Square].
Skeleton mode
Press [Triangle]x10, [Right]x4. Everyone will appear as skeletons. McClane will be in white, terrorists will be red, and hostages will be blue.
Silly mode
Press [Down], [Circle]x2, [Down], [Triangle], [Down]. Men with pistols will shoot from between their legs.
Strange deaths
Press [Circle]x2, [Square]x2, [Right]. Targets, including plants, will make strange noises when shot.
Unlimited ammunition and various guns
Press [Right], [Up], [Down]x2, [Square], [Right]. Repeat the code to get different guns and unlimited ammunition (shotgun, MP-5 sub-machine gun, assault rifle, explosive shotgun, M-60 machine gun, hand gun).
Silly voices
Repeat the unlimited shotgun code until the huge machine gun appears. Activate the silly mode code once for high voices. Activate the silly mode code again for low voices. Activate the silly mode code again to return voices to normal.
Map editor and invincibilityDie Hard 3 codes
Press [Right], [Up], [Down], [Square]. Press [Start] and select the "Use Map Editor" option to change the game. When using the map editor, you can browse the current level, with all movement shown by various colored lines. Moving these lines will alter the movement of the terrorists. Press [Select] to move around in a first-person view. Press [Up] or [Down] to zoom in or out. Press [L1] or [R2] to look up or down. Press [Start] to return to the beginning of the level with the changes that were made in place.
Odd people
Press [Left], [Triangle], [Right], [Down] for extremely tall, short, or fat people.
Skeleton mode
Press [Down], [Square], [Triangle], [Down]. Everyone will appear as skeletons.
Extra ammunition
Press [Right], [Square], [Left], [Circle], [Triangle], [Down]. 99 rockets and grenades will be available.
Fergus mode
Press [Circle], [Down]x2, [Square], [X], [Square]. All people will resemble the head of Probe Entertanment, Fergus McGovern.
Press [Down], [Triangle], [Right], [Square]. You will be invincible after you last hit disappears. Repeat the code to return to normal.
Get Beretta
Shoot the helicopter that appears from the left side of the screen at the start of the level. A Beretta, which has twice the firepower of the handgun, will drop down after it is destroyed.
Fat mode
Press [Left], [Triangle], [Right], [Down]. The cars will increase in size.
Fergus mode with invincibility
Press [Circle], [Down]x2, [Triangle], [X], [Square]. All people will resemble Fergus, but their faces will float around. Also the name Fergus appears instead of Bomb Car and in the final battle, you chase Fergus instead of Simon Gruber.
Levitating car
Press [Right], [Square], [Left], [Triangle], [X], [Square], [Down]. In addition to the car floating, buildings appear damaged and run down.
Large cars
Press [Left], [Triangle], [Right], [Down].
Flat shaded mode
Press [Down], [Up], [Left]x2, [Down], [Up], [Left]x2, [Down], [Up], [Left]x2.
Slow motion
Press [Left], [Up], [Left]x2, [Square], [Down].
Sky cam view
Press [Circle], [Right], [Down], [Square], [Triangle], [Left]. The turbo button now is a launch button.
Sky cam view
Press [Down], [Circle], [Down], [Circle]. The "Sky Cam" helicopter view may now be selected.
Odd view
Press [Circle], [Down]x2, [Square], [Right]. Repeat this code to toggle stretched, flattened, and magnified views.
999 turbos
Press [Circle]x2, [Square]x2, [Down]x2, [X]x2.
Unlimited lives
Press [Left], [Circle], [Up], [Down], [Square], [Right].
Fuzzy car dice
Press [Right], [Circle], [Left]x2, [Square], [Down]. The interior view will display two model cars or two fuzzy dice hanging from the top.
Cloudy sky
Press [Down], [Square], [Triangle], [Right].
No texture maps
Press [Down], [Up], [Left]x2, [Down], [Up], [Left]x2, [Down], [Up], [Left]x2.
Flying saucer mode
Press [Right], [Circle], [Triangle], [Down], [X]x3, Alternatively, press [Right], [Square], [Triangle], [Down], [X]x3. When a level is completed, the message "Roswell" will appear and the next level will feature flying saucers.
Unlimited time in taxi mode:
Go to taxi mode, pause game play and press [Left], [Right], [Up], [Down], [Square], [Circle], [Triangle], [X] on controller one. Then, press [Triangle] on controller two.
Debug modeDie Hard 1 Passwords
Press [Right], [Up], [Down], [Square] on controller one. Various debug information will appear on the screen. Press [Start] on controller two to access a debug screen. Press [Triangle] on controller two to toggle the clock on or off. Press [Left] or [Right] to select a new levels and press [X] to start that level. Press [Square] on the controller two to restart the level. Press [Circle] on controller two to move to the next bomb. Repeat the first part of the code to remove the debug information from the screen.
Password | Level | Area | Complete | Weapon |
ZN1!6HTWZJ!HF GK5N5W7CX7JZR V!CYHPZRV!CXH KZRV!CYHPZRVJ | 2 | Reception | 5% | MP5 sub-machine gun |
T41X_3_4TD1DP 5B9W974MM6DT7 4XMLG9T74XMMG FT74XMLG9T74J | 3 | Construction | 10% | MP5 sub-machine gun |
Q_1WSX3WQK!CD !6FSS!M1FFPQ2 SC1D5JQ2SC1F5 NQ2SC1D5JQ2S_ | 4 | Office | 15% | M60 machine gun |
Y41!ZDT3YJMZZ Y!BPYY6MW7DY7 NZMVH9Y7NZMWH FY7NZMVH9Y7NJ | 5 | Maintenance #1 | 21% | M60 machine gun |
F8279HY3FLM6X 15K1!TGNWWHF9 P6NVMBF9P6NWM GF9P6NVMBF9P_ | 6 | Computers #1 | 26% | Assault rifle |
74225VHK7WVMW H7GRVLCLH1X74 XMLG9T74XMLH9 Y74XMLG9T74XJ | 7 | Executive #1 | 31% | Assault rifle |
TN1ZN9JCSJ_XL 7X5R9N4WL68TR 6XWMGFTR6XWLG 9TR6XWMGFTR6J | 8 | Construction #2 | 36% | Assault rifle |
H425H75XGGVRV BXK479!L!3XH5 XRLZCTH5XRL!C YH5XRLZCTH5XJ | 9 | Office #2 | 42% | Assault rifle |
3D231ZZ!23CK! 8BS_QV9Q7JZ3D FKQ6SW3DFKQ7S !3DFKQ6SW3DFJ | 10 | Ballroom | 47% | M60 machine gun |
W82GN88TVSCFX WCM79Q5PRZ!WC FFPQQVWCFFPRQ ZWCFFPQQVWCF_ | 11 | Maintenance #2 | 52% | Assault rifle |
942RCHX88Z14N RL3WL4XLM2D95 4NLLB9954NLMB F954NLLB9954J | 12 | Office #3 | 57% | MP5 sub-machine gun |
TJ2HGH_DSD1DP Z_VN45NTLG9TM 6DTM6DTM6DTL6 8TM6DTM6DTM6_ | 13 | Construction #3 | 63% | M60 machine gun |
DX22HW5SGZPQ7 _Z5NGQZGSM2DY MQGTW7DYMQGSW 3DYMQGTW7DYMJ | 14 | Vault | 68% | Assault rifle |
XJ2BXT9SZXPG5 DJ6S_Z69SH1XM LG9T74XMLG9S7 _XMLG9T74XML_ | 16 | Executive #2 | 78% | M60 machine gun |
RS2GX9C5P9SCJ S3X65LMYGYWRV !CYHPZRV!CYGP VRV!CYHPZRV!_ | 17 | Office #4 | 84% | M60 machine gun |
FS237Z5NHGKQR 871JV7ZXVWCFT R6XWMGFTR6XVM BFTR6XWMGFTR_ | 18 | Maintenance #3 | 89% | Shotgun w/explosive shells |
B42_RJ498VGPC 7S8DVXY2P2NB5 8P2NBKB58P2PB PB58P2NBKB58J | 19 | Computers #3 | 94% | Assault rifle |
Password | Level | Area | Complete |
14_JJ2JB144JL 289144JB__F1_ 4JLKT3GS9_L38 F144JL289144J | 2 | New wing | 12% |
N__V38Y3N2JB1 85_N2J955Y1NL JB_1L4Q7TV195 4N2JB185_N2J_ | 5 | Plane interior | 50% |
8N_N8KL68P2NB KB58P2RQ!L581 2NB698681NBJB 18P2NBKB58P2J | 6 | Church | 62% |
8D142J2_8F1N6 JV38F1JJ3B_8P 1N7BGCBSV46KV 78F1N6JV38F1J | 7 | Snowmobile chase | 75% |
N_1B58Y3N2JB1 85_N2JHHXP2NZ JB_76LXXNV195 4N2JB185_N2J_ | 8 | Plane intercept | 87% |
Password | Area | Complete |
XJ1GFT!7XMLG9 T74XMLD3K72X! LG82RC8VMZKSH HXWQZWM7GVHSJ | Central park #1 | 12% |
T81XMLG9TC5DP LQBTC5G!VQDT7 5DN965F24Y7QQ 7TW1X6CK5JV6J | Chinatown #1 | 25% |
KS28P3DFKV78Y 3NGKV7BRCN8KQ 78XS415M6VCC4 _K63SGSJDFD2J | Central park #2 | 43% |
Z41!5XRLZ7S!3 XHKZ7SY9NHRZC S!27!ZBGTD7LR J!7XHK!CVWFG_ | Chinatown #2 | 50% |
!81!MZHT!CYHP ZRV!CYF!QRX!7 YHN57PC2XX9MH TZ3T!7VPFC4H_ | Urban #2 | 62% |
5422VBKB54NLL B9954NJS29H58 NLMKT6KFP6VT1 C48J2198NRN6J | Downtown #2 | 68% |
S82DFJG1SC1D5 JQ2SC1GHSQ4S7 1D4C6FD2_SM_6 7TW5XQ4QGC62_ | Aquaduct #1 | 75% |
7N23LHKZ7NZMV H9Y7NZKJ79W7S ZMWNTLMY!6ST9 T6_V38MH9T9RJ | Wharf | 81% |
8J24_KV78K248 K248K262T228Y 249BLCXS3K66L 3996NV535LHKJ | Aquaduct #2 | 87% |
9N24LMLG9P6NV MBF9P6QJWBC9T 6NW8V2YX72L82 C89248C9MQZN_ | Simon Gruber | 100% |