Demolition Racer Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Demolition Racer Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Press [X]x2, [Square]x2, [Triangle]x2, [Circle]x2 at the main menu. The game will enter various screens during code entry. The sound of an engine will confirm correct code entry. All hidden game modes, tracks, and cars will be unlocked.
Increased survival in last man standing
To increase chances of survival chances in a last man standing contest, simply circle the outside of the arena. Doing this will not allow you to get any damage points, so do some damage beforehand.

Do not rush ahead as soon as the game starts. Instead, turn around and drive in reverse. The rear end of your car is a lot stronger than the front. Hitting other cars does more damage to them and less to you. However, be careful as some cars do not turn very well in reverse.

Rival car in a last man standing contest
There is one car in a last man standing contest that will follow you until it is destroyed. It is an all black car with a red, white, and blue hand shaped emblem on its roof. This car has more armor than anyone else on the track. If there are two cars remaining, including yourself, it will usually be the rival car. It likes to hit you from behind, as well as sideswipe. The best way to survive against it is to stay away.

Tease the rival car
The rival car is black and has the American colored finger on the roof. Color your car black and put the same symbol on your roof. In the beginning of a last man standing race, hit him in the side. He will chase you more than usual.

Instant kill
Go to the first stadium, jump over the dirt mounds, and land on a car for an instant kill. Note: This may take some time.

Easy points
Drive through an entire race in reverse to get 100,000 points.
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