Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Return to Boss stages
Position Crash on the center platform. Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] + [Triangle] and press [Up] when Crash points up or down. Note: Only Bosses previously encountered may be revisited.

Spyro: Year Of The Dragon demo
Press [R1] + [L1] and the title screen. Press [Start] at the opening screen. Note: This is only appears in later versions of the game.

Bonus voodoo mask
Hold [Up] + [Circle] after losing a life until Crash moves again. Alternatively, press [X]x2, then hold [X] + [Up] while in a warp tunnel. Release the buttons when Crash appears to receive a voodoo mask after the next life is lost.

Faster Crash Bandicoot
Note: A dual-shock controller is required for this trick. Press [L3] and [R3] rapidly and Crash will become a little bit short and faster.

Bear Down
Locate the small ice floe at the end of the level.

Air Crash
Do not jetski at the second river. Instead, jump on the boxes to the platform. This will take you to the secret Port level (level 20).

When the cub bucks Crash off, return until you see him again.

Hangin' Out
When you drop down a hole into some eel-less water, move into the foreground and drop down the hole. Note: Press [R1] to make Crash pull up his legs.

Diggin' It
Near the end of the level is a Spitter Plant on a circular platform. Bellyflop onto it.
Alternate ending sequence
Finish the game with a 100% completion (all gems and collectibles) to view an alternate ending sequence.
Air Crash: Finding the boxes
Go "Bear Down" (level 13) and get right to the end of the level. The bear throws will throw you off where there are little black icebergs in the water. Jump on these to get to the large white iceberg and get transported to another level where the rest of the boxes for "Air Crash" (level 7) are located.

Air Crash: Surfboard
When you are on the surfboard and see a ramp with a big read arrow on it, turbo ([X] or [Circle]) towards it. With some luck, you should fly up it to smash the box at the top. Note: Crash also does a flip if you watch closely.

Air Crash: Red Gem
Once you arrive at the first jetski, do not use it. Instead, take Crash to a platform to the left. To get there, there will be four unmarked crates and one bouncy box. They can be difficult to hop on. Jump on the first unmarked box, then to the bouncy box, then to the platform.

Bear Down: Long jumps
For the really long jumps, about five seconds before the edge press [Circle] to have a fast run up. Then, press [X] to do a high jump.

Bear Down: Secret warp room
At the end of the level are bits of ground. Jump on them until you get to the middle island. It will transport you to a secret warp room.

Bear It: Easy lives
Go to the Bear It level and find the bear sitting beside the level. Jump on the bear slowly. Keep jumping on him, and after about 20 to 30 seconds it will give you lives.

Bear It: Long jumps
For the really long jumps, about five seconds before the edge press [Circle] to have a fast run up. Then, press [X] to do a high jump.

Bee-Having: Bees
When you sprint past a bee hive, a bee will pop out and chase you. To stop it, stop and spin ([Square]) when the bee is very close.

Bee-Having: Easy lives
Go to the Bee-having level. When a swarm of bees attacks, spin attack all of them and repeat. You will earn an extra life for every swarm you kill.

Bee-Having: Extra apples
Whenever you find plants that spit at you, such as the ones in the Bee-Having level, body slam them to kill them and get extra apples.

Bee-Having: Extra Wumpa Fruit
Get an Uka Uka Mask. Then, in about the middle of the level, you will see a beehive. Go underground by pressing [Square] + [Down]. A lot of bees will pass. Then, when you see a red plant, go under it and jump. It will take your Uka Uka Mask, and you will keep jumping. Then, do a body slam by pressing [Circle] + [Down]. More Wumpa Fruit will appear.

Bee-Having: Purple gem
When you get to the nitros that look like a set of steps, go on the top and you will be transported to get the purple gem.

Bee-Having: Roads to Ruin secret level
In the Bee-Having level, body slam the plant on the area in the middle of the pit. After doing this, the game should transport you to the Cortex area. There should be a level opened called Roads to Ruin. The object of the Roads to Ruin level is to get the boxes that are not accessible in the regular level.

Cold Hard Crash: Gem Box
You must complete this level twice -- the first time, for the Crystal and the Crossbones Platform Gem, then, to get the Gem Box. The Gem Box is very difficult to get. First, get to the second check-point in order to activate the Crossbones Platform. Then, step into it. Carefully get to the end of the treacherous section (do not fall down the pit) and hit the "!" box to activate some hidden boxes at the beginning of the Crossbones section. Backtrack to the Skull Platform (where you started), getting all the remaining boxes, and step on it. This will return you to the normal path. Continue this way until the end of the level and you will receive the Clear Gem. Note: In the bonus area, one TNT box will not explode with the rest. It is the first one of the last series. There is also a hidden box in the bonus area. It is above the two striped boxes. You can get there by sliding and jumping from their left side.

Cold, Hard Crash: Porcupines
When the porcupines are just sitting there, you can kill them by skidding into them. Stay away if their spikes are up and they are running around.

Crash Crush: Secret area
In the bonus level of Crash Crush, walk off the left edge on the starting platform to reach a secret platform with a free life and fruit.

Crash Crush: Small platforms
Starting from this level there will be a small platform which only appears if you get to it without losing any lives thus far on the level. These platform are "evil bonuses", which last much longer and are a lot more difficult. However, the rewards you find are much more valuable.

Diggin' It: Bees
When you sprint past a bee hive, a bee will pop out and chase you. To stop it, stop and spin ([Square]) when the bee is very close.

Diggin it: Extra lives
Go to the bonus stage in Diggin It. Find the gray box at the start and bounce as high as you can. As you are in the air, you should be able to land on the tall pile of crates. Bounce from the one pile to the other. At the last pile, bounce on the crate and you should see a line of gray boxes. Jump on them and you should get a few lives.

Diggin' It: Underground
When you find a floor made out of red rock, press [Square] to tunnel underground. Press [Spin] to spin and [X] to jump out from underground.

Eel Deal: Gem
On one of splits, go to the one that contains lots of nitro. Get to the back door and jump in. You may not see yourself at first. In the back is a gem.

Hang 8: Extra time when getting gem
When you are trying to beat the timer, jump on to the bonus platform then jump off and kill yourself. You will not lose any lives and will appear next to the platform with extra time to get the gem. The amount of time will be random.

Hang Eight and Plant Food: Clear Gem
On the two levels that have a timer (Hang Eight and Plant Food), when you enter the bonus level, die. Do not reenter the bonus level after you die. When you get back to the main level, the timer will have been reset to one and a half minutes and you can then finish the level a little slower and get the Clear Gem easier.

Hang Eight: Surfboard
When you are on the surfboard and see a ramp with a big read arrow on it, turbo ([X] or [Circle]) towards it. With some luck, you should fly up it to smash the box at the top. Note: Crash also does a flip if you watch closely.

Hanggin' Out: Move across river
When you are on the surfboard and see a ramp with a big read arrow on it, turbo ([X] or [Circle]) towards it. With some luck, you should fly up it to smash the box at the top. Note: Crash also does a flip if you watch closely.

Night Fight: Gem Box
It is possible to complete this level once and get everything. When you get to the first checkpoint box, do not hit it, just continue walking. When you get to the fork, take left path first (Crossbones). If you are successful, you will get a Clear Gem. After going out of the Crossbones path, keep walking until you get to a checkpoint box. Hit it. Next, backtrack to the first checkpoint box (taking the right path), and hit it. When this is done, sacrifice a life. Now, take the right path again and get to the end of the level. You should have already gotten the Crystal. Note: Backtracking may require several attempts.

Night Flight: Floating machines
When you encounter the floating machines coated with steel spikes and produce a light from their bottom, go round them, not under them.

Plant Food: Surfboard
When you are on the surfboard and see a ramp with a big read arrow on it, turbo ([X] or [Circle]) towards it. With some luck, you should fly up it to smash the box at the top. Note: Crash also does a flip if you watch closely.

Plant Food: Yellow gem
Go to Plant Food and at the first river, beat the timer without losing a life through the entire level. At the end, go up to the platform to find a yellow gem.

Road To Ruin: Platforms
When you see platforms, if they have a square in the middle of it, then it is safe. If not, you have to skit jump over it.

Runatation: Platforms
When you see platforms, if they have a square in the middle of it, then it is safe. If not, you have to skit jump over it.

Sewer Or Later: Move across river
When you reach a river with an ell in the top right hand corner, wait for it to fire up the water. Then, make your move across the water. Note: The further the river, the less time you have to swim across before the ell fires up again.

Snow Biz: Defeating porcupines
When the porcupines are just sitting there, you can kill them by skidding into them. Stay away if their spikes are up and they are running around.

Snow Go: Clear boxes at end
Go to the last gray bouncy box in "Snow Go" (level 2) and keep jumping until you hit another box. When you hit another box you can go back and get the two boxes that were clear.

Snow Go: Red Gem
Instead of warping from Level 7 (Air Crash) to level 2 (Snow Go), go through the normal entrance to Snow Go. Get to the place where there is a seal located below and to the left of the Red Gem. When the seal gets close to the cliff, quickly jump on its head and get as close to the Red Gem as possible. Then, immediately press [Circle]. If done correctly, Crash will grab the Red Gem. Note: This may take several attempts.

Snow Go: Red Gem
To get the Red Gem as soon it appears at the top of your screen, jump on the sea lion. Get yourself in line with the gem and press [Circle] Note: This is extremely difficult and may require several attempts.

Snow Go: Secret small area
When you drop down from the top (when you see the Nitro ! box), walk towards the screen to get some items, bonuses, and apples.

The Ell Deal: Move across river
When you reach a river with an ell in the top right hand corner, wait for it to fire up the water. Then, make your move across the water. Note: The further the river, the less time you have to swim across before the ell fires up again.

The Pits: Escaping pits
When you fall into the rat pits, use the first rat as a trampoline out of it.

The Pits: Perfect Gem
o get the Perfect Gem, go left at the fork as you travel down. Hit the "!" box and continue. When you reach the end, turn around and go up the right side, being careful to destroy all enemies and boxes. You will find two wire frame boxes. Suddenly, they will appear in the same color as two free lives. This is the result of hitting the "!" box.

Turtle Woods: Avoiding pits
Use the following trick to avoid jumping into the pits and killing the rodent-like enemies. Line yourself with the right edge of the screen when you get near the pit. Next, jump to the right side edge and you should be land there. When you get on that piece of platform, jump forward, but quickly sweep the D-Pad to [Right]. If done correctly, you should be on another piece of platform/ Then, simply jump to the other side of the pit.

Turtle Woods: Escaping pits
When you fall into the rat pits, use the first rat as a trampoline out of it.

Turtle Woods: Hidden area
Locate the mask-type object on the ground in level 1, Turtle Woods. Press [X], [Circle] to do a belly flop to reach a hidden area in the level.

Turtle Woods: Blue Gem
Collect no boxes throughout the stage. To get the Red Gem in the second stage, bounce off the seal. Then, when you get below the gem, body slam to get the extra height needed to collect it. To get the Blue Gem, you must first reach the box count for Turtle Woods and collect your Clear Gem. Reenter the level, but this time finish without breaking any boxes. This gets difficult in the section where boxes cross the entire path inside a small monument. You can pass without breaking any boxes by jumping on the box that is second from the left. It is a box that must be jumped on several times to break. If you successfully pass the level with a box count of zero, you will be awarded a Blue Gem at the end.

When attempting to get the Blue Gem, if you get stuck at the part where there are a lot of boxes in your path (directly in front of a C box), make sure you are in front of the bouncy box then hold [Circle] and press [X]. You will do a high jump, technically not breaking the bounce box.

Pass the level without getting any boxes. A Blue Gem should appear at the end.

Un-Bearable: 99 lives
After the second bear chases you and falls down the bridge, fall down after him and you will reach a secret level. Work your way through it until you get to the checkpoint at the half way point. Under the checkpoint is a "!" box. Hit the box, then go right to find a jump box (box with an up arrow). Jump up to the ledge on the left, get the fruit and Aku-Aku mask, then jump over to the ledge slightly above you on the right. Use your super jump (hold [Circle] and press [Jump]) to hit a box which gives you a free life. When you super jump again you will see the bottom of a second box which also has a free life. Jump off the ledge to the right, and collect the fruit on your fall down. Then, fall off the cliff. You will resume at the checkpoint with one more life than you just had. Continue doing this until you get 99 lives. Make sure to get the fruit when you jump up and fall down. Since there are about 20 fruits, every five times you do this will result in 100 fruit, which also gives you another life.

Un-Bearable: Bonus round
When the first bear falls down the broken bridge, fall down that pit to reach a secret bonus round.

In the level Unbearable, after being thrown off by the small bear, jump back across the pit and walk a small way back toward the beginning of the level. After coming to the small bear, the game should take you to the Cortex warp room with a level opened called "Totally Bear".

After the bear hurls Crash off at the end, instead of going right down the road to the warp room, move in the opposite direction. Make the big jump and keep going. When you see the bear, go right next to him and it will transport Crash to level 26, "Totally Bear".

When the second bear drops inside the hole, drop down after it to find a hidden level.

Un-Bearable: Breaking fences
Spin in the fences in the level to break through instead of jumping over them. This will let Crash get away from the bear faster.

Skull and crossbones platforms
Those platforms with the skull and crossbones on them seem to be there, but then they disappear. Their secret is to make it through the level to that point without out losing any lives. Once you die the platform will no longer be there.

After you die in a crossbones level, the platform does not disappear. When you hit a checkpoint before a crossbones platform, you will be returned to that checkpoint and can just go to the platform again. Repeat this until you pass the level.

Defeating Cortex
There are bombs and rocks during your battle with Cortex. You may sometimes crash into them. However, if you spin just before you crash into them, you can whack them out of your way or explode them.

When you get close to Cortex, spin to attack him. When you are heading for a rock or a bomb and cannot steer away in time, spin to make it either fly away or explode. Note: If you are lucky and score a pot shot while spinning bombs, you will hit Cortex.

Defeating N. Gin
Stand in the center of the platform. The first time he shoots the laser, do not move. It will move over you. The second time he shoots the laser, jump. The third time, stand still. Follow this pattern to avoid getting scorched.

Defeating Ripper Roo
When facing Ripper Roo on the first level, stay in a corner while he is bouncing TNT and Nitro boxes. Do not jump on the boxes or they will explode. Hit Ripper Roo when he is done jumping on the nitro boxes and is sitting on the ground. After this, return to a different corner.

Activating colored platforms
To activate the colored platforms on various levels you must acquire the corresponding gems. For example, if you want to get the Blue platform in Space Out (level 25), get the blue gem in Turtle Woods by collecting no boxes.

When in those pits and the moles surface, you can jump to the right onto the bridge before the vertical pillar. Then do a slide jump and jump to the other side of the pillar, then onto ground.

Exiting pits
When in any pit with rats, to easily get out, jump on a rat. You can exit without harm.

Reusable crates
This trick can be used on any level except for Boss levels. Instead of getting the crates immediately, find a checkpoint (if available). Then, get the crates. If you die, you can still keep the lives and Wumpa Fruit from the crates. You can then go back and get more Wumpa Fruit. With a good number of lives, it can make for a nearly unlimited supply.

Bonus lives
Jump on the baby polar bear's head in the second warp room (level 6-10) ten times to collect ten extra lives.

Clear gem
Successfully complete every stage and get all boxes. At the end, instead of showing how many boxes you missed, will be a clear gem.

Avoid losing levels crystal
If you receive a levels crystal but cannot make it to the end of the level and are losing a continue, go back to a different warp room. Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] + [Triangle] and go up. You should come to the Boss you fought after that warp room. It is best to go on an easy Boss and defeat him in one continue -- first Ripper Roo, second Komodo Bros., third: Tiny Tiger, fourth N. Gin, fifth Neo Cortex. After that, you will receive the levels crystal.

Get a crystal without completing a level
Go through any level you get to the crystal. Collect the crystal, then keep dying until you get a game over. Choose to continue then complete any level on the same floor as the one you just died on. When you exit, you should have two crystals, one for the level just completed and the other for the one that you lost your lives on.

If you get the crystal on a difficult level but cannot complete the level, once you have the crystal warp back to the warp room. Go into Turtle Woods and complete that level. You will then get the crystal for the difficult level.

Ape preview
When you go to the Road To Ruination or similar level. When you go to the first end when you turn right, look at the black and blue background. You will notice something moving. It is an ape receiving and throwing logs that you will later have to jump. Note: The ape is a silhouette (black figure).

"Crash Bandicoot reference
"When you step on any of the special portals hidden in the stages, you will be transported to a special Warp Room. In the background, you can see the second island (and perhaps others) from the original Crash Bandicoot.

Glitch: Ice cube in snow
On the Bear It level is a large missing spot of land with water. Just barely miss the land, and the polar bear will be on an ice cube that is sticking out of the snow.

Glitch: Water or snow
Have Crash enter the Bear It level. When you see the statues on the ground or the "movers" moving bricks near water intentionally fall. Your legs will stick up out of the water as your head is "buried" just as it would with snow.

Glitch: Aku Aku limit
If you get an Aku Aku mask while having the third one on, it will freeze for as long as the first Aku Aku mask's time is remaining, and start up the fourth one.

Glitch: Dance in mid-air
Fight Tiny, and when you defeat him, jump onto the platform that the defeated Tiny is on. When the platform falls, Crash will be dancing in mid-air.

Glitch: Surf up on platform
After defeating Ripper Roo, you will get to stage 2. Go to the second level, where there is a jungle. When you get to the part when you surf, make sure you get Aku Aku, then get to a platform with boxes on it. Wait for a moving mine to hit and explode, and you will "jump" into the sky and land on that platform. You can move around, but you could fall off the platform and get back in the water.
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