Cool Boarders Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Cool Boarders Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Additional boards
Win the three ranking to use special boards. There are three special boards in each easy, middle, and hard level.

Special course
The hardest course becomes available after three special boards are obtained.

Snow man boarder
Win the three ranking of the hardest course, then select the alpine special board by pressing [Up] + [Triangle] + [Circle]. The greatest boarder, "snow man" will be accessible. This status may be saved to the memory card.

High pitched announcer
Enter option mode, highlight the "Replay" selection and press [Select](55). Alternatively, press Select(40) when "Replay" is not highlighted. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Difficult view
Win all rankings of all courses to gain another view.

View load time
Press [Select] to view the loading time between the selection and play screens.

Trick points
Hold [L1] + [L2] between the selection screen and play screen. Press [L1] or [L2] to view the trick points when you play boards.

Trick names
Hold [L1] + [L2] between the selection screen and play screen. Hold [R1] + [R2] on controller two to view the name of a trick.

Glitch: Win with zero time
In two player mode, fall off the cliff when the clock reaches zero and you will win the race. Note: This trick works best when nobody is playing on the second controller and the only rules set are Boost or Time.
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