cheat description | size | |
GAMESHARK CODES Nov. 29, 2006 | 1KB |
Mad Tank = Queen AntCheat mode
Demolition Truck = Warrior Ant
Chrono Tank = Larva
Mechanic = Larva
Shock Trooper = 2 Larvae
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "Square", "X", "Circle", "X", "Triangle", "Triangle".
Full map
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "Triangle", "Triangle", "X", "Circle", "Triangle", "Square".
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "X", "X", "X", "Circle", "Triangle", "Square".
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "Square", "Circle", "Triangle", "X", "Circle", "Circle".
Harvest people instead of ore
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "Square", "X", "Square", "X", "Square", "X".
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "X", "X"," Square", "Circle", "Circle", "Circle".
Instant victory
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "Circle", "Circle", "Triangle", "X", "X", "Square".
Instant loss
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "Circle", "X", "Circle", "Square", "Square", "X".
Nuclear attack
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "Circle", "X", "Circle", "Circle", "X", "Square".
Civilians have namesKill your own men
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when the pointer is over "Square", "Square", "Circle", "Circle", "Triangle", "Triangle".