Cheat mode
Click on the "Teams" button menu with [Circle]
(or which ever button is currently configured as "Cancel")
or the "Right Mouse Button". Then, move the pointer over
the following icons on the tool bar and press [Circle] ("Cancel")
or the "Right Mouse Button" on each.
Instant victory
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "X", "Square", "Square",
"Circle", "Triangle", and "Circle".
Instant loss
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "Circle", "Circle", "Circle",
"Triangle", "Square", "X".
Nuclear attack
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "Circle", "X", "Circle",
"Triangle", "Square", and "Triangle".
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "Square", "X", "Circle",
"Circle", "X", "Triangle".
1000 credits
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "Square", "Square", "Circle",
"X", "Triangle", and "Circle".
Unlimited credits
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "Square", "Square", "Circle",
"Triangle", "X", and "Triangle".
Convert ore to civilians
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "X", "Circle", "Triangle",
"Triangle", "Circle", and "X". Note:
This code may only be enabled in multiplayer mode after a refinery
is present.
Change ore or crystals to gold
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "Square", "Circle", "Square",
"X", "Circle", and "Circle".
Iron Curtain
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "Circle", "Square", "Circle",
"X", "Square", and "Triangle".
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "Triangle", "Circle",
"Circle", "Square", "Square", and
Reveal map
Press [Circle] or the "Right Mouse Button" when
the pointer is over "Square", "Triangle",
"Circle", "X", "Triangle", and "Square".
Soviet passwords:
Level | Password |
1 | 17DUXFJ6C |
2 | VMBWOQ284 |
3 | XN37MCCSO |
4 | LH06FZZQL |
5 | BUVV20LFF |
6 | AVYQ10YA8 |
8 | YQX4C9GFH |
9 | 1QESO8LE0 |
10 | RKP0UOXJA |
11 | CDLKYL7Q4 |
12 | 8T5GGDK25 |
13 | X5CDE0KN8 |
Allied passwords:
Level | Passwords |
1 | LZ9SE4HPN |
2 | FG0WEU9OO |
3 | EC5NAHTU |
4 | 9BFVYZAZ8 |
5 | P4XS4CZVC |
6 | FMNAE6U08 |
7 | 7XIQW4KQI |
9 | 4TNT8RJ21 |
10 | FZ0ZY7ZQA |
11 | X9FJZVJZI |
12 | 5RNHTXLRY |
13 | J7VEWVT09 |
15 | 17LE3FDV |