Bust-A-Groove Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Bust-A-Groove Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Dance preview
Complete the game under the easy difficulty level.

Play as Capoeira
Complete the game under the normal difficulty level.

Play as Robo-Z
Complete the game under the normal difficulty level after Capoeira has been unlocked.

Play as Burger Dog
Complete the game as Hamm under the normal difficulty level after Robo-Z has been unlocked.

Play as Columbo
Complete the game as Shorty under the normal difficulty level after Robo-Z has been unlocked.

Columbo cameo
Play as Shorty in two player mode. Go all the way through any combo twice, then complete the 0 combo. Columbo should jump out of Shorty's pocket.

Bonus level
Successfully complete level 1 with Shorty. Then, press [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Circle].

Alternate costumes
Highlight a character, then hold [Select] and press [X]. Note: In the Japanese version of the game, hold [Select] and press [Circle].

Level skip
Complete the game once with any character. Begin game play in single player mode and press [L2] + [Select] when a song begins to jump to the next level.

Attack opponent
Press [Triangle] to attack an opponent.

Dodge attacks
Press [Square] to avoid an attack.

Winning pose close-up
Hold [Circle] after winning a stage.

Performing big combos twice
It is possible to pull off some big combos and get the really hard long moves twice. This can be done when using Shorty. Her little mouse friend will jump out of the pouch and start dancing next to her. He will also dance next to her in fever mode.

High scoring solos
Use the following moves when you take turns dancing.
Heat: [Up], [Down], [Up], [Circle]
Frida: [Up], [Down], [Up], [Circle]
Strike: [Up]x2, [Left], [Circle]
Hamm: [Down], [Right], [Left], [Circle]
Kelly: [Right], [Left], [Right], "Circle
"Shorty: [Down]x3, [Circle]
Hiro: [Right], [Up], [Down], [Circle]
Pinky: [Up], [Left], [Up], [Circle]
Gas-O: [Left], [Down], [Right], [Up], [Circle]
Kitty N.: [Down]x2, [Right], [Circle]
Capoeira: [Right], [Up], [Right], [X]
Robo-Z: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Circle]
Columbo: See Shorty
Burger Dog: See Hamm
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