Battle Arena Toshinden 3 Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Battle Arena Toshinden 3 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Random select
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] at the character select. Press [Square], [Triangle], [X], or [Circle] while selection box is moving.

Remove display
Pause a fight. Hold [Circle] + [Triangle] + [Square] + [X] and press [Select]. This removes the continue, options and reset selections. While continuing to hold the four buttons, press [Select] again. This removes the Life and Over Drive bars. To return the display to normal, repeat the code while pressing [Select] once.

Play as sub-bosses
Beat the game with each basic character at level three or higher to unlock his or her sub-boss.

Play as Shou
Unlock all the sub-bosses, then beat the game with Vermilion at level three or higher.

Play as Abel
Successfully complete the game as Vermilion under the moderately hard difficulty setting.

Play as Veil
Successfully complete the game as Abel under the moderately hard difficulty setting.

Play as Naru
Successfully complete the game as Veil under the moderately hard difficulty setting.

Alternate costumes
Beat the game with Naru at level seven. Use [Square] or [X] to select a character.

Instant secret moves
Beat the game with Naru, then set two or more of the shoulder buttons to special moves. Press all special move buttons at once to perform a secret move. Note that this does not work for all characters.

Wait until the special move bar is black (when it is empty). Then, quickly press all four special move buttons. You should then do the instant secret move.

Unlimited Soul Bombs
Press [Start] to pause a match. Use the controller configuration option to map the [L1], [L2], [R1], and [R2] keys to Soul Bombs. Resume game play and press one of the those buttons and [X] simultaneously to release a Soul Bomb. That button combination may be pressed an unlimited amount of times during the match.

Manual camera control
Enter the button configuration menu, highlight any shoulder button, and press [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2]. The controls for the shoulder buttons will change to camera view controls. The view may now be rotated manually.

Control loading screen
Press any controller button to alter the color of the phrase "Now Loading".

Scroll credits faster
Hold [Start] during the credits sequence.
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