Army Men: Air Attack 2 Cheats - PlayStation

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2 | PlayStation

Primary Collection of Cheats
Level select
Enter [Triangle], [Circle], [X], [Right], [Right], [Circle], [Square], [Down] as a password. Select either a single player or cooperative game, then press [Left] or [Right] at the level selection screen.

Enter [X], [Triangle], [Circle], [Left], [Down], [X], [Right], [X] as a password. Note: The code must be re-entered for each level.

Enter [Right], [X], [Triangle], [Triangle], [Down], [Square], [Square], [Left] as a password.

All choppers
Enter [Right], [Down], [Circle], [Up], [Up], [Left], [Circle], [X] as a password. All choppers including the UFO, Zeppelin, and the Baron will be unlocked.
2[Up], [X], [Triangle], [Right], [Left], [Square], [Circle], [X]
3[Triangle], [Circle], [Down], [Right], [Square], [Square], [Up], [Up]
4[X], [Right], [Left], [X], [Circle], [Square], [Square], [Triangle]
5[Down], [Down], [Circle], [Square], [Circle], [Square], [Right], [X]
6[Triangle], [X], [Up], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Circle], [Triangle]
7[Right], [Square], [Right], [Down], [Circle], [X], [X], [Right]
8[Triangle], [Right], [Square], [Square], [Circle], [Down], [Down], [X]
9[Up], [X], [Square], [Left], [Right], [Circle], [Left], [Left]
10[Triangle], [Up], [Circle], [X], [Square], [Down], [Down], [Down]
11[Circle], [Circle], [Up], [Left], [Right], [X], [Triangle], [Square]
12[Right], [Up], [X], [Right], [Circle], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle]
13[Left], [Left], [Triangle], [Circle], [X], [X], [Down], [Right]
14[Square], [Right], [Circle], [Up], [Down], [Square], [Down], [X]
15[Left], [Right], [Circle], [X], [Square], [Down], [Down], [Circle]
16[Triangle], [Circle], [X], [Right], [Right], [Circle], [Square], [Down]
17[Square], [Up], [Up], [Right], [Left], [Square], [Down], [X]
18[Circle], [X], [Right], [Triangle], [Square], [Up], [X], [X]
19[Down], [Right], [X], [Square], [Right], [Up], [Circle], [Circle]
20[Up], [X], [Circle], [Up], [Left], [Square], [Circle], [X]
21[Left], [Circle], [Triangle], [Down], [X], [X], [X], [Circle]
22[Triangle], [X], [Down], [Left], [Right], [X], [Circle], [Square]
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