Tomb Raider: Legend Cheats - PSP

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Downloadable Tomb Raider: Legend Cheats
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Aug. 08, 2006
Aug. 08, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Codes are unlocked by performing certain tasks during the game. A message with the code will appear to confirm successful completion of the task. Codes cannot be enabled until they are first unlocked in this manner.

No textures
Hold [L] and press [R], [X], [Circle], [X], [Triangle], [R] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. To unlock this code, successfully complete the game.

Bulletproof Lara
Hold [L] and press [X], [R], [Triangle], [R], [Square], [R] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. To unlock this code, complete the England level in Time Trial mode under 27:00.

Draw enemy health
Hold [L] and press [Square], [Circle], [X], [R], [R], [Triangle] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. To unlock this code, complete the Bolivia level in Time Trial mode under 12:30.

Unlimited assault rifle ammunition
Hold [L] and press [X], [Circle], [X], [R], [Square], [Triangle] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. To unlock this code, complete the Japan level in Time Trial mode under 12:15.

Unlimited grenades
Hold [L] and press [R], [Triangle], [R], [Circle], [R], [Square] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. To unlock this code, complete the Kazakhstan level in Time Trial mode under 27:10.

Unlimited shotgun ammunition
Hold [L] and press [R], [Circle], [Square], [R], [Square], [X] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. To unlock this code, complete the Ghana level in Time Trial mode under 20:00.

Unlimited SMG ammunition
Hold [L] and press [Circle], [Triangle], [R], [R], [X], [Circle] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. To unlock this code, complete the Peru level in Time Trial mode in under 21:30.

One shot kill
Hold [L] and press [Triangle], X, [Triangle], [Square], R, [Circle] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. To unlock this code, complete the Bolivia Redux level in Time Trial mode in under 4:15.

Wield Excalibur
Hold [L] and press [Triangle], X, [Circle], R, [Triangle], R during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. To unlock this code, complete the Nepal level in Time Trial mode under 13:40.
Tomb Trials bonuses
Complete the indicated task in Tomb Trials mode to the corresponding item:

Brown Biker Jacket costume: Complete Bolivia level under the medium difficulty in Treasure Hunt mode.
Silver Gallery: Complete Bolivia, Croft Manor, and Fiery Maze levels under the easy setting in Treasure Hunt mode.
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