Tales of Eternia Cheats - PSP

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Downloadable Tales of Eternia Cheats
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Aug. 08, 2006
Aug. 08, 2006
Completion bonuses
Save the game when prompted after the credits. That saved game file will be marked with a star when used to start a new game and will have the following bonuses. The customize menu will have options to view all cutscenes, all dialogue, and all camp/help skits. There will be a bonus dungeon called "Nereid's Labyrinth" at to the Orbus Barrier.

New Game+ Rewards
After you beat the last boss and the credits roll, you will be asked to save. Create a new save file, and when you start it, you will start a new game, but your save file will haev a star next to it, and you'll have access to more stuff.

All camp/help skits - Go into the Customize menu of a new game+ file.
All cutscenes - Go into the Customize menu of a new game+ file.
All dialogue - Go into the Customize menu of a new game+ file.
Nereid's Labyrinth Dungeon - In a New Game+ file, go to the Orbus Barrier to find a new dungeon.

Unlock Titles for Chat
Gadget Master - Have Chat learn all of her skills.
Interior Decorator - Put something in the 4 empty rooms on the Van Eltia.
Kitchen King - Master all dishes.
Pirate - Get Chat to level 40.
Sea King - Get Chat to level 99.
Sea Lover - Get the Van Eltia's final upgrade.
Viking - Get Chat to level 60.
Voyager - Get Chat to level 10.

Unlock Titles for Farah
3-Star Chef - Win the 1st round of the Chambard cooking contest.
Cupid - Complete the Katrine sidequest.
Fighter - Get Farah to level 10.
Iron Fist - Get Farah to level 99.
Kitchen Specialist - Master all dishes.
Kitchen Star - Win the 2nd round of the Chambard cooking contestWin the 2nd round of the Chambard cooking contest.
Kung Fu Master - Get Farah to level 40.
Silent Assassin - Get Farah to level 60.
Ultimate Beauty - Have Farah learn all of her skills.
Warrior Chef - Win the 3rd round of the Chambard cooking contest.

Unlock Titles for Keele
Chancellor - Get Keele to level 99.
Craymel Master - Get all Craymels.
Graduate Student - Get Keele to level 10.
Grand Chef - Master all dishes.
PHD Student - Get Keele to level 40.
Professor - Get Keele to level 60.

Unlock Titles for Max
Almighty - Get Max to level 60.
Craymel Shooter - Have Max learn all of his skills.
Head Chef - Master all dishes.
Immortal - Get Max to level 99.
Ruler - Get Max to level 40.

Unlock Titles for Meredy
Appraiser - Get Meredy to level 99.
Breeder - Get Meredy to level 40.
Charismatic Cook - Master all dishes.
Dance Queen - Win the dance contest at Jini with a score of over 8.0 points in 1-player mode.
Trainer - Get Meredy to level 60.

Unlock Titles for Reid
Aurora Master - Have Reid learn three Aurora skills.
Gladiator - Beat Cress at the arena in Inferia City.
Gourmet Master - Master all dishes.
Hustler - Win the WHIS tournament at the Jini Casino.
King of Balloons - Win all 5 rounds of Chamballoon in Chambard.
Knight - Get Reid to level 60.
Legendary Knight - Get Reid to level 99.
Lens Hunter - Collect all 60 Lenses then talk to Irene.
Master Coxswain - Get a time of under a 1.06.00 on the rafting mini-game.
Master Swordsman - Get Reid to level 40.
Mathematician - Win the math game in Barole.
Namco Otaku - Answer all 30 advanced questions correctly at the exam in Mintche.
Namco Professor - Answer all 30 intermediate questions correctly at the exam in Mintche.
Namco Teacher - Answer all 30 beginner questions correctly the exam in Mintche.
Sonic Warrior - Win a battle in 1 second or less.
Squire - Get Reid to level 10.
Star Dancer - Win the dance contest at Jini with a score of over 8.0 points in 2-player mode.
Supreme Patriot - Have Reid learn all of his skills.
Trolley Bomber - Score over 20,000 points on the Craymel Express mini-game.
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