Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX Cheats - PSP

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Downloadable Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Apr. 15, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Super-Hard R. Dramatic Battle
After you have completed 100 Kumite with a perfect score, hold [R] + [L] + [Select] while selecting the R. Dramatic Battle mode, and select a world tour character. If you manage to beat this mode where the AI is beefed up and has unlimited specials, you will get the infinite auto-gaurd ism-plus!
Play as "EX-M.Bison" and "Final-Vega"
Beat "Arcade Mode" once, then, at the character select screen, press and hold "Select" and choose M.Bison ( Balrog in the USA ) or Vega ( M.Bison in the USA ). Note: Final-Vega is NOT available in all game modes.

Fight as Shin Gouki
Successfully complete arcade mode as Evil Ryu. Then, highlight Gouki at the character selection screen and hold Select while choosing him.

Fight as EX-M.Bison
Successfully complete arcade mode. Then, highlight M.Bison at the character selection screen and hold Select while choosing him.

Fight as Final-Vega
Successfully complete arcade mode. Then, highlight Vega at the character selection screen and hold Select while choosing him.

Unlock ISM Plus upgrades
Even after completing World Tour Mode, there are more ISM Plus upgrades to unlock for your World Tour character (or to be used for any character created in Edit Mode). To unlock these, save your game after completing World Tour Mode and register your World Tour character in Entry Mode. Now use that character in other modes to unlock the ISM Plus upgrades.

Alpha Power - Beat Survival Arcade Mode with a World Tour character.
Custom Combo Charger - Beat R. Dramatic Mode with a World Tour character.
Multiple Taunt - Beat Final Battle Mode (hold [L]+[R] when selecting mode) with a World Tour character.
Status Plus - Beat Arcade Mode with a World Tour character.
Super Alpha Power - Beat Survival Original Mode with a World Tour character.
Supreme Alpha Power - Beat Survival Boss Mode with a World Tour character.

Use Shin Gouki
Beat "Arcade Mode" with Evil Ryu once. Afterwhich, press and hold "Select" when using Gouki.

Extra ISM-Pluses
With a World Tour Character or entry mode character, you can unlock extra ISM-PLuses by beating any mode that allows an Entry Character to be used, without continuing.

Fight Shin-Akuma in Final Battle!
Hold [L] + [R] while selecting the Final Battle mode to fight Shin Akuma in Final Battle!
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