Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road Cheats - PSP

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Downloadable Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road Cheats
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Feb. 15, 2011
May. 05, 2007
Unlock Characters
Go throught story mode (Another Road) to unlock the following characters:

Dubora - Defeat him in the second level in chapter 2.
Picolo (Fuse with Kami) - Beat him at the alternate path of Chapter 3.
Future - Gohan Finish Chapter 5.
Bardock - Defeat him as Goku in Chapter 5.
Super Buu with Gohan absorbed - Finish the third level of Chapter 7.
Super Buu with Gotenks absorbed - Finish the second level of Chapter 7.

How to unlock "Bonus" section
Beat arcade mode once with anybody and then go to the options menu and select bonus, and you can listen to in-game music and play "dragon click".

Be in Super Saiyan form when starting a battle!
To start in Super Saiyan form when you immediately start a battle, hold [L] when choosing your character and press [X], and you'll hear a "cling" sound, different from normally choosing your character with no [L] held down. Remember, for this to work, you have to hold down [L] and press [X] on the Super Saiyan form when choosing, not the normal one.
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