ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails Cheats - PSP

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Downloadable ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails Cheats
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Nov. 26, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Select "Options" at the main menu. Then, select the "Player Profile" option, then choose "Enter Cheat". Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

$moneybags$ - 1,500 credits
All Access - All bikes except for the Fury
Duds - All rider gear
Dubs - All rims
Smog test - All exhaust pipes
Billboards - All music videos
pimpin - G-Ride ATV
TO LAZY - Unlock all ATVs except the G-Ride or Fury bike
TRICK IT OUT - Unlock all bike parts
N0GAME - Unlock all events
+THREE - Unlock Ravage Talon ATVs

All levels unlocked
Press [Square], [Triangle], [Left]x2, [Circle]x2, [L], [R]x2, [Triangle] at the main menu.
Easy ATVs
There is a training portion of the single-player game. Beat the training!

Gold: 4 Talon ATVs
Silver: 2 Talon ATVs
Bronze: 1 Talon ATV

The whole training portion is timed so it's much harder than the other training portions other the other ATV Offroad Furies.

Hit and Run
This cheat works anytime when you are racing other people so when you are racing other people there might be another person you want to pass but they are a little bit faster just hit a [Jump] right next to them and BUMP them. They'll fall off and you won't.

Unlock Ice Tournament
The ONLY way to unlock Ice Tournament on Normal Mode is by getting a GOLD cup in AMATEUR NATIONAL at EXPERT LEVEL.

Expert levels
Win a gold cup for a level under the normal difficulty setting.
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