Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist Cheats - PlayStation 4

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Unlock Trophies
Battle Tested (Bronze) - Win a Battle Pack match (duel).
Casual Duelist (Bronze) - Win an unranked multiplayer match (duel).
Chain Champion (Bronze) - Chain 100 times.
Chronomancer (Bronze) - Perform a Pendulum Summon.
Coalesce (Bronze) - Perform a Fusion Summon.
Curator (Bronze) - Create 5 decks.
Damage Dealer (Bronze) - Deal 200k in Direct Damage.
Duel Runner (Bronze) - Defeat 5Ds Campaign.
Effect Elitist (Bronze) - Deal 100k in Effect Damage.
Forbidden One (Bronze) - Win a duel by having all Exodia cards in hand.
High Five the Sky (Bronze) - Defeat ZEXAL Campaign.
King of the Games (Bronze) - Defeat Classic Campaign.
Master Collector (Bronze) - Unlock all avatars.
Master Duelist (Bronze) - Win All Duelist Challenges.
Playing For Real (Bronze) - Win a ranked multiplayer match (duel).
Reflect Rager (Bronze) - Deal 50k in Reflective Damage.
Sacrifice (Bronze) - Perform a Tribute Summon.
The Duelist Begins (Bronze) - Create your first deck.
Tuned in (Bronze) - Perform a Synchro Summon.
Ultimate Form (Bronze) - Perform an Xyz Summon.
Valedictorian (Bronze) - Defeat GX Campaign.
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