Werewolves Within Cheats - PlayStation 4

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 4

Unlock Trophies
Among Sheep (Silver) - As a Werewolf, become Ringleader.
Are You Experienced? (Silver) - Play as each role once.
Body Language (Bronze) - Perform every Emote.
Burgher with Fries (Bronze) - As Townsfolk, become Ringleader.
Center of Attention (Bronze) - As Deviant, have all players unanimously vote for you.
Deus Vult (Bronze) - As Saint, be on the winning team.
Divine Grace (Bronze) - As Saint, win the game without getting any votes for yourself.
Freak Elite (Silver) - As Deviant, win a game.
Grand Master (Silver) - Win as each role once.
Hairy Hunch (Bronze) - As Townsfolk, successfully eliminate a Werewolf.
Holy Roller (Bronze) - As a Werewolf, successfully eliminate the Saint.
Howl at the Moon (Bronze) - As a Werewolf, be on the winning team.
Influential (Bronze) - As Villager, nominate a Ringleader.
Mob Justice (Bronze) - As Townsfolk, be on a winning Townsfolk team.
Swift Sniffer (Bronze) - As a Werewolf, successfully use the Scent ability.
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