Trials of the Blood Dragon Cheats - PlayStation 4

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Unlock Trophies
All Grown Up Now (Gold) - Evolve your Inner Beast to its final form.
Boomshakalaka! (Silver) - Score a basket.
Cybercommando (Silver) - Get an "A" Grade in all main story levels.
Epilogue (secret) (Silver) - Watch the secret ending.
Friendly Fire (Silver) - Get an enemy to shoot and kill another enemy.
Go, Ninja, Go, Ninja, Go! (Gold) - "Blades of the Dragons" has been officially cancelled.
I'm Doing My Part (Gold) - The C.I.A. has been vanquished!
Intensive Military Training Complete (secret) (Gold) - You've obtained an "A" Grade in all Intensive Military Training CD-ROMs!
King of the schoolyard (Silver) - Complete your sticker album collection.
Laser Tagged! (Silver) - Survive 30 seconds inside the laser pit.
Life... finds a way (Bronze) - Escaped the fury of a monster.
Mark VI (Gold) - Get an "A+" Grade in all main story levels.
No fate but what we make (Silver) - You've learned the truth. Now work on a plan.
On Deadly Ground (Bronze) - Welcome to the Trials of the Blood Dragon.
Part Blood Dragon, Part Machine, All Cybercommando (Platinum) - Unlock all trophies.
Sing Hallelujah! (Gold) - You've been to Hell and back.
The Truth is Out There (secret) (Silver) - Find all five secrets.
This I'm trained for (Silver) - Cross the track before the train in Final Reckoning.
We came, we saw, we kicked ass (Gold) - You've passed the Trials of the Blood Dragon.
Winners don't do drugs (Silver) - Shut down the TurboCrank Pipeline.
You have chosen wisely (Silver) - Found the mother of all treasures.
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