Okage: Shadow King Cheats - PlayStation 4

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Unlock Trophies

A Mythical Rarity (Silver) - Obtain the Unicorn's Horn.
A Wealthy Slave (Silver) - Accrue 500,000 sukel.
All Accounted For (Gold) - Collect 30 Tiny Gears.
Breaking the Class (Gold) - Defeat Beiloune in the final battle.
Cat Scratch Fever (Bronze) - Use a Black Cat Jewel in battle.
Clear! (Silver) - Revive an ally during battle.
Don't Move a Muscle (Bronze) - Successfully paralyze an enemy.
Ex-Former Chairman (Silver) - Defeat the Former Chairman Evil King.
Expensive Taste (Silver) - Purchase a piece of armor for over 100,000 sukel.
Feeling Lucky? (Silver) - Acquire the Q of Hearts weapon.
For Science! (Bronze) - Give a donation to Madril's Research Center.
Hopkins' Legacy (Bronze) - Acquire the Forgotten Sword.
Junior Varsity (Silver) - Reach level 30 with three characters.
Just an Illusion (Silver) - Defeat the Phantom Evil King.
Like Two Peas in a Pod (Gold) - Receive a Compatibility Gift.
Mega Relief (Bronze) - Use a Mega Stone to cure an ailment.
Message in a Bottle (Bronze) - Acquire the Hand Knit Cap from the Sickly Pretty Girl.
Much-Needed Assistance (Bronze) - Recruit two allies to join your party.
One Charm to Rule Them All (Bronze) - Use a Mega Charm to cure a curse.
Pop Sensation (Silver) - Defeat the Teen Idol Evil King.
Quenching the People's Thirst (Bronze) - Open the water valve in the church.
Raging Devil (Bronze) - Correctly answer Stan's questions for him to execute a bonus attack.
Sewer Rodent (Silver) - Defeat the Sewer Evil King.
Shadow King (Platinum) - Unlock all trophies.
Something's Fishy (Silver) - Defeat the Bubble Evil King.
The Champ is Here (Silver) - Defeat the Big Bull Evil King.
Top of the Line (Silver) - Purchase a weapon for over 100,000 sukel.
Varsity (Gold) - Reach level 70 with three characters.
What Does This Say? (Silver) - Complete the Cyphertext quest.
What Large Teeth You Have (Silver) - Defeat the Vampire Evil King.
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