Wonderbook: Book of Potions Cheats - PlayStation 3

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3

Unlock Trophies
0 days since last accident... (Bronze) - Make a mistake in potion brewing.
Book worm (Bronze) - Discover everything about Flobberworms.
Bottle fame & brew glory (Platinum) - Master the 'Book of Potions'.
Careful ssstudy (Bronze) - Discover everything about Ashwinders.
Chop, juice, mash and bash (Bronze) - Create a concoction where each ingredient requires preparation.
Curious Concoction (Bronze) - Create your own concoction.
Cutting it Fine (Silver) - Chop up an ingredient without making a mistake.
Dragon it out (Bronze) - Discover everything about Common Welsh Green dragons.
Funny little thing (Bronze) - Find the frog-rabbit in the Laughing Potion story.
Fur-ther learning (Bronze) - Discover everything about Puffskeins.
Laugh it up (Bronze) - Successfully laugh at your potion.
Leech learning (Bronze) - Discover everything about leeches.
Multiple mixture (Silver) - Create a concoction with 4 different effects.
Neat and tidy (Bronze) - Juice an ingredient and add it to the cauldron without spilling a drop.
Nettle know-how (Bronze) - Discover everything about nettles.
No stone unturned (Gold) - Find all of the collectibles in the 'Book of Potions'.
Pop pop pop (Bronze) - Pop all the bubbles that emerge from your potion.
Potion Pioneer (Gold) - Create 15 different effects with your concoctions.
Pretty thorough (Bronze) - Find the frog-rabbit in the Beautification Potion story.
Quietly does it... (Bronze) - Discover everything about unicorns.
Ready to experiment! (Bronze) - Find your first collectible.
Saving the pest till last (Bronze) - Find the frog-rabbit in the Doxycide story.
Who needs luck? (Bronze) - Find the frog-rabbit in the Felix Felicis story.
Wide-awake (Bronze) - Find the frog-rabbit in the Sleeping Potion story.
You seem a little familiar (Bronze) - Find the frog-rabbit in the Shrinking Solution story.
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